
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.1.0) of this package.

v1.1.0 2024-12-07 22:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 23:00:35 UTC


Icons Plus is a fieldtype that leverages to provide a searchable list of open source icons for use in your Statamic site. Icons are stored both as a URL and SVG so they can be used as desired in templates.


  • Super easy to install and use
  • Provides some configuration options for the fieldtype including icon library restrictions

How to Install

You can install this addon via Composer:

composer require twithers/icons-plus

How to Use

After adding the fieldtype to your blueprint, you can then store a selected icon.

The stored icon has the following keys:


The prefix of the icon. This is used to identify the icon library.


The name of the icon. This is used to identify the specific icon within the library.


The prefix + name of the icon, separated by a :.


The URL of the icon. This is the URL to the SVG file. This allows for use in <img src="{{ iconUrl }}" />.


The SVG of the icon. This is the SVG markup for the icon. This allows for use in {!! iconSvg !!}.

Usage in Templates

The tag {{ icons_plus }} is available to use in your templates. It can be used as context or as a tag pair.

The alias {{ ip }} is also available for the tag.


{{ selected_icons_plus_icon }}
    {{ icons_plus }}
{{ /selected_icons_plus_icon }}

The tag will resort to the stored SVG first, and fall back on fetching the icon svg via cached http request.

As a standalone tag

{{ icons_plus :icon="selected_icons_plus_icon" }}

Wildcard support

You can also use the icon's collection and name to render an icon via API:

{{ icons_plus:heroicons:chart-pie }}

Attibute support

All attributes are supported:

{{ icons_plus :icon="selected_icons_plus_icon" class="w-6 h-6 text-blue-500" x-data="" @click="console.log('clicked')" }}