twipsi / chronos
Provides a simplified interface to play with time
- php: >=8.1
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.3
Simple class to play with time
composer require twipsi/chronos
Initializing the class
You can set the initial date as a DateTime object or a Chronos instance or a valid date string or a timestamp.
Chronos::date(new Chronos)... Chronos::date(new DateTime)... Chronos::date('2022-05-05 10:10:10')... Chronos::date(1664524279)... new Chronos(new DateTime)
Or just get the current datetime.
DateTime Options
You can specify each option fluently after setting the initial date.
Chronos::date($date) ->setDateTimeFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s") ->setDateFormat("Y-m-d") ->setTimeFormat("H:i:s") ->setTimezone("UTC")
Retrieving the datetime as a string
You have multiple methods to retrieve the datetime as a string.
Chronos::date($date)... ->getDateObject() ->stamp() ->getDateTime() ->getDate() ->getTime() ->getHour() ->getMinute() ->getSeconds() ->getDayName() ->getDayShortName() ->getDayNumber() ->getWeekNumber() ->getMonthName() ->getShortMonthName() ->getMonthNumber() ->getYear()
Manipulating datetime
Initial methods
You have several methods to manipulate the initial time before retrieving it as a string.
Chronos::date($date)->addDays()->getDateTime(); Chronos::date($date)->addMinutes()->getDateTime(); Chronos::date($date)->addSeconds()->getDateTime(); Chronos::date($date)->subDays()->getDateTime(); Chronos::date($date)->subMinutes()->getDateTime(); Chronos::date($date)->subSeconds()->getDateTime();
Chaining methods
You can also chain the methods fluently.
Traveling in time
Setting the new datetime
You can set another datetime as a DateTime object or a valid date string or a timestamp to work with intervals.
Chronos::date()->travel(new DateTime)... Chronos::date()->travel('2022-05-05 10:10:10')... Chronos::date()->travel(1664524279)...
Retrieving the difference
You have multiple methods to retrieve the difference as a string.
Chronos::date()->travel('2022-05-05 10:10:10') ->daysPassed() // This will return 0 if travel date is in the future. ->differenceInDays() // This will return negative days if travel is in the past. ->hoursPassed() ->differenceInHours() ->minutesPassed() ->differenceInMinutes() ->secondsPassed() ->differenceInSeconds()
You can also do a fast check to see weather we are in the past or future.
Chronos::date()->travel('2022-05-05 10:10:10') ->isInFuture() ->isInPast()