
PHP Adapter class for google-cloud-php-pubsub package.

1.1.0 2020-05-05 15:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 00:34:29 UTC


A Php class adapter for the Goolge Cloud PubSub package.

CI Minimum PHP Version Software License


composer require twipi-group/googlecloud-pubsub-php-adapter



use Google\Cloud\PubSub\PubSubClient;
use TwipiGroup\GoogleCloudPubSubPhpAdapter\GcPubSub;

$client = new PubSubClient([
    'projectId' => 'your-googlecloud-project-id',

$pubsub = new GcPubSub($client);

$pubsub->publish('mychannel', 'test first');
$pubsub->publish('mychannel', json_encode(['test' => 'another']));
$pubsub->publish('mytopic', [
    'test' => [0, 1, 2]


use Google\Cloud\PubSub\PubSubClient;
use TwipiGroup\GoogleCloudPubSubPhpAdapter\GcPubSub;

$client = new PubSubClient([
    'projectId' => 'your-googlecloud-project-id',

$pubsub = new GcPubSub($client);

// case blocking call
$pubsub->subscribe('mychannel', function ($message) {
// OR
$pubsub->subscribe('mysubscriber', function ($message) {
}, 'mytopic');

// case non blocking call
$messages = $pubsub->consume('mychannel');
// OR
$messages = $pubsub->consume('mysubscriber', 'mytopic');

foreach ($messages as $message) {



function createTopic(string $topicName): Topic

This function creates a topic from $topicName and returns topic object.

function getTopic(string $topicName): Topic

This function returns an existing topic object from $topicName or create a new topic if setAutoCreateTopic is true. If setAutoCreateTopic is false, an exception will be thrown.

function deleteTopic(string $topicName): Topic

This function deletes an existing topic from $topicName and returns topic object.

function updateTopic($topicName, $properties): Topic

This function updates an existing topic from $topicName and returns topic object. Note that the topic's name and kms key name are immutable properties and may not be modified.

function getTopics(): array

This function returns an array of existing topics objects.

function deleteTopics(): array

This function deletes all existing topics and returns array of topics name deleted.

function createSubscription(string $subscriptionName, string $topicName = ''): Subscription

This function creates a topic from $subscriptionName and returns subscription object. If setAutoCreateTopicFromSubscription and setAutoCreateTopic are true and $topicName is empty, so a topic will be created from $subscriptionName.

function getSubscription(string $subscriptionName, string $topicName = ''): Subscription

This function returns an existing subscription object from $subscriptionName or create a new subscription if setAutoCreateSubscription is true. If setAutoCreateSubscription is false, an exception will be thrown. If setAutoCreateTopicFromSubscription and setAutoCreateTopic are true and $topicName is empty, so a topic will be created from $subscriptionName. If setAutoCreateTopicFromSubscription or setAutoCreateTopic is false and $topicName is empty, an exception will be thrown.

function deleteSubscription($subscriptionName): Subscription

This function deletes an existing subscription from $subscriptionName and returns subscription object.

function updateSubscription($subscriptionName, $properties): Subscription

This function updates an existing subscription from $subscriptionName and returns subscription object. Note that subscription name and topic are immutable properties and may not be modified.

function getSubscriptions(): array

This function returns an array of existing subscriptions objects.

function consume(string $subscriptionName, string $topicName = ''): array

This function always return immediately after one pull. You just can change setMaxMessages for receiving x messages from this pull. If setAutoCreateTopic and setAutoCreateTopicFromSubscription are true, and if $topicName is empty, it will auto create topic from subscription name if topic not already exists. This function returns an array of messages.

function subscribe(string $subscriptionName, callable $handler, string $topicName = '', $infiniteLoop = true): void

This function is an infinite loop by default thanks to $infiniteLoop = true.

  • if $infiniteLoop is true :

    • if setReturnImmediately is true and setDelay > 1 second, the loop will sleep every one second between each pull
    • if setReturnImmediately is true and setDelay = 0 second, the loop will work everytime, this IS NOT RECOMMENDED because it adversely impacts the performance of the system.
    • if setReturnImmediately is false, (RECOMMENDED) the system waits (~90 seconds) until at least one message is available, and setDelay has no effect.
  • if $infiniteLoop is false :

    • setReturnImmediately and setDelay has no impact because just one loop will be executed with only one pull.


// set max messages number consuming by pull
$pubsub->setMaxMessages(2); // 100 by default

// set if return immediately after pull
$pubsub->setReturnImmediately(true); // false by default

// set delay in seconds to wait between each pull
// note: if ReturnImmediately is false, this option has no effect.
$pubsub->setDelay(2); // 10 by default

// set a suffix for subscriptions
$pubsub->setTopicSuffix('mysubsriber_'); // empty by default

// set debug mode to display pull messages directly to output
$pubsub->setDebug(true); // false by default

// set if auto create topic when not existing
$pubsub->setAutoCreateTopic(false); // true by default

// set if auto create subscription when not existing
$pubsub->setAutoCreateSubscription(false); // true by default

// set if auto create topic from subscription name when consume messages with empty topic name
$pubsub->setAutoCreateTopicFromSubscription(false); // true by default


vendor/bin/phpunit Tests


You can contribute to this package by discovering bugs, opening issues or purpose new features.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See License file for more information.