
a generic pagination package for PSR-7.

2.0.0 2022-02-24 03:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-24 09:56:02 UTC


A generic pagination package for classic offset/limit style.

Scrutinizer Code Quality

Some interesting features maybe:

  • stores the current page and form inputs in session,
  • can use PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface object,
  • have a flexible pagination HTML generator.

In short, accessing the page with _page


will restore the last pagination result.


PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4, and PSR-7.


MIT license


Please use composer to install WScore/Pagination package.

$ composer require "tuum/pagination: ^1.0"

Getting Started with a Sample Code

The page key variable, _page, is the key.

sample HTML form

Let's start with an HTML form for a pagination, for example;

<form action="">
  <input type="text" name="type" />
  <input type="integer" name="num" />
  <input type="submit" />

Please note that there should be no _page variables.

paginating a query

The simplest way to use a Pagination class that combines all the functionalities.

To instantiate a Pageinate object,

use Tuum\Pagination\Inputs;
use Tuum\Pagination\Pagination;

$pager = new Pager();
$pager->withRequest($request); // PSR-7 server request.
$inputs = $pager->getInputs();

$found = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE type=? and num>? OFFSET ? LIMIT ?")

The Inputs::get* methods should provides information to construct a query. The Inputs::setList method sets the found results inside.

The type and num values are:

  • taken from the form input and then saved to a session if no _page variables are present in the input query, or
  • taken from a session data (if _page is present).

_page with page number

Requesting with only the page number will restore the query values (type and num) from the session, and set the offset value from the page number. For instance,

GET /find?_page=2

will set offset, (_page-1)*_limit, with the page number being 2.

query with only _page

Requesting with _page but no page number will restore the page number and other parameters from the session. For instance,

GET /find?_page

will set offset to the page number of last request.

generating pagination HTML

The Pagination class implements a __toString method to output pagination HTML string. As a default, the Pagination object outputs following style of pagination HTML for Bootstrap ver3.

echo $inputs;

sample paginate HTML

It is possible to change the pagination and HTML/CSS style by modifying the pagination logic and html formatter, such that;

$pages = $inputs->getPagination();
$pages->numLinks = 7;
$pagination = new ToBootstrap3($paginate)
echo $pagination;

Technical Details

setting a total

The pager does not know how to get a total; please supply the total count in the closure inside the call method usging Inputs::setTotal method;

    $pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl WHERE type=? and num>? ")


As a default, the input values are validated to contain no nulls as well as a valid UTF-8 string.

To change the validation, you can pass it at the construction of Pager as;

$pager->pager->useValidator(function(&$v) {
        $v = 'validate=' . $v;

FYI: this is the default closure.

function (&$v) {
	if (!is_string($v) && !is_numeric($v)) {
        $v = '';
    } elseif (strpos($v, "\0") !== false) {
        $v = '';
    } elseif (!mb_check_encoding($v, 'UTF-8')) {
        $v = '';