
form generator and other template helpers.

1.0.7 2017-12-02 10:33 UTC


Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status

Helper classes for escaping input values, generating HTML tags, and managing data.


MIT Licence


PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4.

Getting Started


composer require "tuum/form: ^1.0"

Sample Code

There are many helpers, and some are related. It would be easier to use DataView object to manage helpers. For instance,

$view = new Tuum\Form\DataView();
    'name' => 'my-name',
    'bold' => '<b>bold</b>',
    'list' => ['v1', 'v2'],
    'name' => 'old-name',
    'more' => [
        'key' => 'val'
// getting escaped data. 
echo $view->data['name']; // 'my-name'
echo $view->data['bold']; // escaped <b>bold</b>
echo $view->data->get('bold'); //  escaped <b>bold</b>
echo $view->data->raw('bold'); //  raw <b>bold</b>
// and arrays.
$list = $view->data->extractKey('list');
echo $list[0]; // 'v1'
echo $list[1]; // 'v2'

// getting old inputs
echo $view->inputs->get('name', $data['name']); // 'old-name'
echo $view->inputs->get('more[key]'); // val
// and use it in form generator. 
echo $view->forms->text('name', 'default'); 
// will output <input type="text" value="old-name">

The DataView object injects Inputs object into Forms helper so that it can generate HTML tags using old input values (i.e. old-name) instead of given value (default).

List of Helpers

These helpers help to manage data to be viewed in a template. There are,

  • Escape for escaping string,
  • Data for managing data,
  • Inputs for managing input-data,
  • Errors for managing input-errors,
  • Message for messages,
  • Forms for generating form elements, and
  • Dates for generating complex form elements.

Escape Helper

The Escape class manages the escaping string to securely display text in a certain content, such as HTML.

Escaping for Html

As a default, strings will be escaped using Escape::htmlSafe($string) method (which internally uses htmlspecialchars function for HTML files). There are some other way to escape.

$esc = new Escape();
echo $esc('<danger>safe</danger>'); // or
echo $esc->escape('<danger>safe</danger>');

Using Other Escape Method

You can specify another escape method at the construction or using withEscape method:

$esc = new Escape('addslashes');
// or
$esc = $esc->setEscape('rawurlencode');

The escape method must be a callable; either a function name, or a closure with string as an argument.

Using Escape with DataView

The DataView object contains an Escape object to be shared with other helpers, such as Data and Inputs.

Specify the escape at the construction.

$view = new DataView(new Escape('addslashes'));
$view->inputs->get('with-slash'); // escaped with addslashes.
// or change how to escape

Data Helper

Use Data class to display strings and values to template while escaping the values.

// construct yourself. 
$data = Data::forge(['view'=>'<i>val</i>'], $escape);

// or use DataView class. 
$view = new DataView();
$data = $view->data;

to access data, any of the following works.

echo $data['view'];      // escaped
echo $data->view;        // escaped
echo $data->get('view'); // escaped
echo $data->raw('view'); // raw value
echo $data->get('none', 'non\'s'); // show escaped default value

Iterating Over Array

the Data object implements IteratorAggregate interface.

$data1 = [
    'text' => 'testing',
    'more' => '<b>todo</b>',
$data2 = [
    'text' => 'tested',
    'more' => '<i>done</i>',
$data = Data::forge([$data1, $data2]);
foreach($data as $key => $val) {
    echo "$key: ", $val->text;
    echo "$key: ", $val->more; // escaped. 

only works for an array. so do not do this...

$data = Data::forge([
    'text' => 'tested',
    'more' => '<i>done</i>',
foreach($data as $key => $val) {
    echo "$key: ", $val->get(null); // won't work!

Extract by Key

Use extractKey method to create a subset of Data object if the data is an array of another array (or object).

$data = Data::forge([
    'obj'=>new ArrayObject['type' => 'object']
$obj = $data->extractKey('obj');
echo $obj->type;  // object

Hidden Tag

There is a simple method to show a hidden tag:

$data = Data::forge(['_method'=>'put']);
echo $data->hiddenTag('_method');  
// <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put" />

Inputs Helper

Use Inputs class to convenient access array of data using HTML form element names.

$input = Inputs::forge([
    'name' => '<my> name',
    'gender' => 'male',
    'types' => [ 'a', 'c' ],
    'sns' => [
        'twitter' => 'example@twitter.com',
        'facebook' => 'example@facebook.com',
], $esc);

echo $input->get('name'); // escaped '<my> name'
echo $input->get('sns[twitter]'); // 'example@twitter.com'
vardump($input->get('types')); // ['a', 'c']

selected and checked methods

There is selected and checked methods to simplify checking some form elements.

// supply name of elements and its value. 
echo $input->selected('gender', 'male');   // 'selected'
echo $input->selected('gender', 'female'); // empty
echo $input->checked('types', 'a'); // ' checked'
echo $input->checked('types', 'b'); // empty

Errors Helper

The Errors manages error messages associated with input values, which works just like Inputs class except that this class has a method, p which outputs the error message in a pre-defined format.

$errors = Errors::forge([
    'name' => 'message for name',
    'gender' => 'gender message',
    'types' => [ 2 => 'message for type:B' ],
    'sns' => [
        'facebook' => 'love messaging facebook?',
], $esc);
// default format is: <p class="text-danger">%s</p>
echo $errors->p('name'); // message for name
echo $errors->p('gender');   // gender message
echo $errors->p('types[2]'); // message for type:B
echo $errors->p('sns[facebook]'); // love messaging facebook?

Message Format

To change the format of the error message, just do:

$errors->format = '<div>(*_*) %s</div>';

Message Helper

This helper may not be that generic. Message class is for general message to be displayed in a main contents of a web page.

$message = Message::forge();
$message->add('whoops', Message::ERROR);

echo $message;
// shows two divs for hello and whoops. 

echo $message->onlyOne(); 
// <div class="alert alert-danger">Whoops</div>

The onlyOne method shows only one first message that is most severe.

Message Format

There are 3 formats for each severity of messages. Alter the format as necessary.

$message->formats = [
    self::MESSAGE => '<div>:) %s</div>',
    self::ALERT   => '<div>:| %s</div>',
    self::ERROR   => '<div>:( %s</div>',

Forms Helper

The Forms helper class generates various HTML form tags.

$form = new Form();

// or using DataView
$view = new DataView();
$form = $view->forms;

using with Inputs object

Inject Inputs object into Forms object to use it when generating HTML tags.

$forms = $forms->withInputs($inputs);

escaping for HTML

The Forms class does not escape its property nor values. It assumes that the values are given by the programmer. So, use Data helper when displaying user's input.

$forms->text('safe', $data->get('safe'));

Input Elements

Creates various form input element. The most generic method is input.

<?= $form->input('text', 'name', 'default value'); ?>

will generate

<input type="text" name="name" value="default value" />

Already various methods exists for html's input tags, such as: text, hidden, email, password, radio, and checkbox.

The extra html attribute can be added by method as follows.

<?= $form->date('radio')->class('form')->placeholder('date')->checked; ?>

There are many shortcut methods defined in Forms object, such as text, hidden, datetime, etc. All these shortcuts has the same signature:

$form->$method(string $name, string $value = null);

Open/Close Forms

To start and close a form;

<?= $form->open()->action('to')->method('post')->uploader(); ?>
<?= $form->close(); ?>

if a non-standard method is given, it will generate a hidden tag with the method in the open() method. The default name is _method which can be altered by the second argument to method, as;

<?= $form->open()->action('to')->method('put', 'method_token'); ?>
<form method="post" action="to" >
<input type="hidden" name="method_token" value="put" />


can output label as;

$form->label('label string', 'for-id');


currently, two buttons are supported.

$form->submit('button name');
$form->reset('cancel me');


text-area is supported.

$form->textArea('area-name', 'default value');

Select List

it's easy to create a select box.

$list = [
    '1' => 'selecting',
    '2' => 'made',
    '3' => 'easy',
echo $form->select('name', $list, '2');

The first argument being name of the element, second is the index of options, and 3rd is the selected item.

Checkbox and Radio List

Often you want to generate a list of checkbox or radio buttons. You can build it a bit like a select box.

$list = [
    '1' => 'checkbox',
    '2' => 'radio',
echo $form->checkList('checks', $list, '1');

will output the list of checkboxes inside ul > li surrounded with label;

  <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="checks" value="1" />checkbox</label></li>
  <li><label><input type="checkbox" name="radio" value="1" />radio</label></li>

You can construct the HTML using own code.

$list = $form->checkList('radio', $list, '2');
foreach($list as $key => $html) {
   echo $list->getLabel($key), ': ', $html, '<br/>';

Dates Helper

The Dates helper class aims to help construct a complex form elements, such as date (which have year, month, and day form elements). For instance,

$form = new Dates();
echo $dates->setYear(
    Lists::years(2014, 2016)
)->dateYMD('my-date', '2015-06-18');

will generate html for years between 2014 and 2016;

<select name="my-date_y">...</select>
<select name="my-date_m">...</select>
<select name="my-date_d">...</select>

Using List for Year, Month, and Day

When constructing a date with year list, it generates ranging from last year till next year as a default. You can change this by using setYear method.

There are set* methods for Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second. Each method expects to get ListInterface, Traversable object, or an array. There are also List objects for each type with specific method to displayed in various format.

echo $date->setYear(
    Lists::years(2014, 2016)->useJpnGenGou()

will generate some HTML like,

<select name="test_y" class="tested-class" style="width: 123px" >
    <option value="2014">平成26年</option>
    <option value="2015">平成27年</option>
    <option value="2016">平成28年</option>
</select>/<select name="test_m" class="tested-class" style="width: 123px" >
    <option value="1">January</option>
    <option value="2">February</option>
    <option value="3">March</option>
    <option value="4">April</option>
    <option value="5">May</option>
    <option value="6">June</option>
    <option value="7">July</option>
    <option value="8">August</option>
    <option value="9">September</option>
    <option value="10">October</option>
    <option value="11">November</option>
    <option value="12">December</option>