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A minimal Symfony bundle to build your own CLI commands even faster

dev-main 2024-03-05 08:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-05 08:19:10 UTC


An extension of Symfony Console Command to build your own CLI commands better and faster.


🚀 Start your project (without Symfony)

If you are building a simple command and don't want the whole Symfony framework:

composer init

Install the package (see: Install it with composer)

Use this template to generate a MyApp.php bootstrap file:

use MyVendorName\MyApp\MyAppNameCommand;
use TurboLabIt\BaseCommand\Command\AbstractBaseCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArrayInput;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$arrCmdArguments = [
    MyAppNameCommand::CLI_ARG_MY_ARG => $argv[1],
    // 💡 https://github.com/TurboLabIt/php-symfony-basecommand/blob/main/src/Traits/CliOptionsTrait.php
    "--" . \TurboLabIt\BaseCommand\Service\Options::CLI_OPT_DRY_RUN         => true,
    //"--" . \TurboLabIt\BaseCommand\Service\Options::CLI_OPT_BLOCK_MESSAGES  => true,

( new MyAppNameCommand() )
    ->run(new ArrayInput($arrCmdArguments), new ConsoleOutput());

Add a run.sh for easier execution:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

## https://github.com/TurboLabIt/webstackup/blob/master/script/base.sh
source "/usr/local/turbolab.it/webstackup/script/base.sh"
fxHeader "🚀 My App"


wsuComposer install

php MyApp.php MyArg1


📦 Install it with composer

symfony composer config repositories.turbolabit/php-symfony-basecommand git https://github.com/TurboLabIt/php-symfony-basecommand.git
symfony composer require turbolabit/php-symfony-basecommand:dev-main

🚀 A template for your own Command

You can now use this template to build your own CLI app.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace App\Command;

use TurboLabIt\BaseCommand\Command\AbstractBaseCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

#[AsCommand(name: 'MyCommand')]
class MyCommand extends AbstractBaseCommand
    // 💡 define your own specific --option(s)
    const CLI_OPT_MY_OPT = "my-opt";

    // 💡 set your `$allow` options: https://github.com/TurboLabIt/php-symfony-basecommand/blob/main/src/Traits/CliOptionsTrait.php
    protected bool $allowParallelExec     = ????;
    protected bool $allowDryRunOpt        = ????;
    protected bool $allowBlockMessagesOpt = ????;
    protected bool $allowIdOpt            = ????;
    protected bool $allowNoDownloadOpt    = ????;
    protected bool $allowLangOpt          = ????;
    protected bool $langOptIsMandatory    = ????;
    public function __construct(array $arrConfig = [])
        // 💡 inject your own dependencies

    protected function configure() : void
        // 💡 add your own specific option(s)
        $this->addOption(static::CLI_OPT_MY_OPT, null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Text description');

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        parent::execute($input, $output);
        // 💡 see https://github.com/TurboLabIt/php-symfony-basecommand/blob/main/src/Command/AbstractBaseCommand.php
        $this->fxTitle("Doing things...");
        // ...
        // 💡 see other output functions here: https://github.com/TurboLabIt/php-symfony-basecommand/blob/main/src/Traits/BashFxDirectTrait.php
        // 💡 the **smallest** section of data-changing ops must be wrapped like this
        $this->fxTitle("Changing some data...");
        if( $this->isNotDryRun() ) {
          // ...
          $this->fxInfo("Some minor detail you should know");

        // 💡 the **smallest** section of email/message-sending ops must be wrapped like this
        $this->fxTitle("Sending the report to the manager...");
        if( $this->isSendingMessageAllowed() ) {
          // ...
          $this->fxInfo("Some minor detail you should know");
        $this->fxTitle("Processing data...");
        foreach($this->arrData as $item) {
          $id = $item->getId();
          // 💡 use a guard clause to exclude IDs
          if ( !$this->isIdFilterMatch() ){
          // ...

        // 💡 you can fail-exit the application like this
        if('something\'s wrong') {
          return $this->endWithError();

        // 💡 you can access your own option(s) like this
        $myCustomAdditionalOpt = $this->getCliOptionstatic::CLI_OPT_....);
        if($myCustomAdditionalOpt) {
          // ...

        // 💡 the last op must be this
        return $this->endWithSuccess();

🧪 Test it

git clone git@github.com:TurboLabIt/php-symfony-basecommand.git
cd php-symfony-basecommand
clear && bash scripts/test-runner.sh