
This plugin allows collecting donation designations in a Donations List that works similar to a shopping cart.

3.0.0 2023-03-07 21:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-08 00:39:51 UTC


This plugin allows collecting donation designations in a Donations List that works similar to a shopping cart.



This plugin requires Craft CMS 4.0.0 or later.


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

     cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

     composer require tungsten/growdough
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for GrowDough.


  • Donations URL: Stores the full URL to the donations form for the account
  • Test Mode Enabled: Allows to test the GrowDough integration with the Craft website. When enabled, the Test Mode is enabled during the checkout on GrowDough.

When the test mode is enabled, the following hidden input is added to the form:

<input id="growdough_test_mode" name="test_mode" value="true" type="hidden">



Retrieves the donation items stored in the session as a collection (array). Use the collection in a for loop to build the items list.

{# Get the Donation Items stored in the session. Returns false if there are no Donation Items #}
{% set donationItems = craft.growDough.getDonationItems %}


Check if the donation item with the provided id is already in the list of donation items.

{% if craft.growDough.donationItemInList(fund.id) %}
  {# If the item is already in the donation list, show disabled button #}
  <a href="#" class="btn disabled" disabled="disabled">Selected</a>
{% else %}
  {# Ir the item is NOT in the donation list, show the button to add it to the list. #}
  <input class="btn give-now" type="submit" title="Add to Donation List" value="Give Now">
{% endif %}


Opening form tag to add a donation item to the donation items list.


  • itemId Unique id for the donation item
  • itemTitle Donation item title that is used for display
  • itemAttributes Donation item attributes array that will be stored as JSON


{{ craft.growDough.addDonationItemFormTag(
    'Donation Type': 'Scholarship Fund',
    'Donating To': 'The Erie Art Museum',
    'Designation': fund.title
) }}


Opening form tag to submit donation to GrowDough. Includes the GrowDough post URL and all hidden fields required for submission.


  • templateVariables Include the template variables that should be used in the GrowDough donation workflow (donation form, email receipt, thank you page, etc.) If not included, an empty JSON array will be submitted.
  • donationItems Include an array of donation items to override the items in the donation list. If not included, an array of donation items will be automatically generated from the donation list.
  • paymentMethod Include a predefined payment method (credit_card or giving_card) if the form is intended to use a pre-determined GrowDough donation form.
  • donationAmount Include a predefined donation amount if the form is intended to use a pre-determined amount on the GrowDough donation form.

Most Common Use

The form tag will be most commonly used with templateVariables and paymentType.

{{ craft.growDough.formTag({
  'templateVariables': {
    'Variable Key': 'Variable Value',
    'Variable Key': 'Variable Value',
  'paymentMethod': 'credit_card|giving_card',
  'donationAmount': 100
}) }}

Full Variable Syntax

{{ craft.growDough.formTag({
  'templateVariables': {
    'Variable Key': 'Variable Value',
    'Variable Key': 'Variable Value',
  'donationItems': [
      "title": "Item title",
      "attributes": {
        "Attribute Key": "Attribute Value",
        "Attribute Key": "Attribute Value",
      "title": "Item title",
      "attributes": {
        "Attribute Key": "Attribute Value",
        "Attribute Key": "Attribute Value",
  'paymentMethod': 'credit_card|giving_card',
  'donationAmount': 100
}) }}


Format the donation items list as an encoded JSON string.

{{ craft.growDough.getDonationItemsJson }}


Retrieves the GrowDough donations URL from the plugin settings. The URL is used to post the donation to the GrowDough system for the particular account.

<form action="{{ craft.growDough.donationsUrl }}" method="post">


Retrieves the GrowDough Giving Card purchase URL from the plugin settings. The URL is used to post the desired Giving Card amount to the GrowDough system for the particular account.

<form action="{{ craft.growDough.givingCardPurchaseUrl }}" method="post">


Add Donation Item to Dontation Items

Add a specific donation item to the Donations List. If an item with the provided itemId already exists in the list, it will NOT be added.

Example using addDonationItemFormTag variable

{{ craft.growDough.addDonationItemFormTag(
    'Attribute Key': 'Attribute Value',
    'Attribute Key': 'Attribute Value',
) }}
  <h3>{{ fund.title }}</h3>
  <input class="btn give-now" type="submit" title="Add to Donation List" value="Give Now">

Example using HTML form directly

{% set itemId = fund.id %}
{% set itemTitle = fund.title %}
{% set itemAttributes = {
  'Attribute Key': 'Attribute Value',
  'Attribute Key': 'Attribute Value',
} %}
<form method="post" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8">
  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="growDough/addDonationItem">
  <input type="hidden" name="itemId" value="{{ itemId }}">
  <input type="hidden" name="itemTitle" value="{{ itemTitle }}">
  <input type="hidden" name="itemAttributes" value="{{ itemAttributes|json_encode()|e }}">
  <h3>{{ fund.title }}</h3>
  <input class="btn give-now" type="submit" title="Add to Donation List" value="Give Now">

Redirecting to another page upon submission

By default, upon form submission the plugin will automatically reload the current page.

To override this default behavior, include redirectInput function after the PerForm addDonationItemFormTag and specify your redirect destination.

{{ craft.growDough.addDonationItemFormTag(
    'Attribute Key': 'Attribute Value',
    'Attribute Key': 'Attribute Value',
) }}
{{ redirectInput('some/url/here') }}


<form method="post" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8">
  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="actions/growdough/default/add-donation-item">
  <input type="hidden" name="itemId" value="{{ itemId }}">
  <input type="hidden" name="itemTitle" value="{{ itemTitle }}">
  <input type="hidden" name="itemAttributes" value="{{ itemAttributes|json_encode()|e }}">
  {{ redirectInput('some/url/here') }}


Remove a specific donation item from the Donations List. If an item with the provided itemId does not exist in the list, the action will be ignored.

<a href="{{ url('grow-dough/remove-donation-item', { itemId: itemId }) }}">Remove</i>

Optional: Add a redirectUrl parameter if you'd like to redirect to a specific page after the item is added. If the parameter is omitted, the browser will redirect to the origin page (using http_referrer).

<a href="{{ url('grow-dough/remove-donation-item', { itemId: itemId, redirectUrl: 'some/url/here' }) }}">Remove</i>


Remove all donation items from growDoughItems session variable. This is useful when checking out a multi-designation donation and the session needs to be remove so that it does not stick around after the donation is complete.

This action needs to be called via AJAX while the GrowDough form is being submitted.

$.get('/growdough/remove-all-donation-items', { deleteAll: true }, function(response) {
  console.log('Deleted ' + response.item_count + ' donation items.');

Brought to you by Tungsten Creative Group