
Build repository and service patterns quickly and simply.

v3.1.2 2024-05-02 07:01 UTC


PHP v8.2

Laravel v11.x


Install using composer:

composer require ttpn18121996/simple-repository

Next, publish SimpleRepository's resources using the simple-repository:install command:

php artisan simple-repository:install

Create repository

Default Repository uses Eloquent, Run command make app/Repositories/Eloquent/UserRepository.php file and interface app/Repositories/Contracts/UserRepository.php

php artisan make:repository UserRepository

You can specify a model that your repository depends on during creation by adding options --model or -m.

php artisan make:repository UserRepository --model=User


php artisan make:repository UserRepository -m User

Use another repository during build by adding the --repo or -r option. For example, if you want to use Redis instead of Eloquent, now the repository will be created in the path app/Repositories/Redis/UserRepository.php

php artisan make:repository UserRepository -m User -r Redis

After creating the repository remember to declare in app/Providers/RepositoryServiceProvider.php where protected $repositories (By default they will be added automatically)

protected $repositories = [
    \App\Repositories\Contracts\UserRepository::class => \App\Repositories\Eloquent\UserRepository::class,

The example shows the dynamic extension of the repository pattern. We use province data in the database. After a while, we realize that using local data is no longer suitable and we want to use a data source from an external web service. Editing the existing Eloquent\ProvinceRepository content will result in errors or be difficult to revert to before. Instead, we will create a new repository called WebService\ProvinceRepository while still ensuring its accuracy like the old repository.

|   ├---RepositoryServiceProvider.php
|   ├---/Contracts
|   |   ├---ProvinceRepository.php
|   ├---/Eloquent
|   |   ├---ProvinceRepository.php
|   ├---/WebService
|   |   ├---ProvinceRepository.php



namespace App\Repositories\Eloquent;

use App\Models\Province;
use App\Repositories\Contracts\ProvinceRepository as ProvinceRepositoryContract;

class ProvinceRepository implements ProvinceRepositoryContract
    public function getModelName(): string
        return Province::class;

    public function all()
        return $this->model()->all();



namespace App\Repositories\WebService;

use App\Repositories\Contracts\ProvinceRepository as ProvinceRepositoryContract;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

class ProvinceRepository implements ProvinceRepositoryContract
    public function getModelName(): string
        return '';

    public function all()
        $response = Http::get('https://api.domain.example/provinces');

        return $response->success() ? $response->collection() : collect();

Finally, what we need to do is change the binding between the abstract and the concrete in RepositoryServiceProvider

protected $repositories = [
    // \App\Repositories\Contracts\ProvinceRepository::class => \App\Repositories\Eloquent\ProvinceRepository::class,
    \App\Repositories\Contracts\ProvinceRepository::class => \App\Repositories\WebService\ProvinceRepository::class,

Create service

Run command for make a service. Ex: make app/Services/UserService.php file.

php artisan make:service UserService

You can specify the models your service depends on during creation by adding the --model or -m option.

php artisan make:service UserService --model=User --model=Role


php artisan make:service UserService -m User -m Role

You can use repositories instead of models. Specify the repositories your service depends on during creation by adding the --repo or -r option.

php artisan make:service UserService --repo=UserRepository --repo=RoleRepository


php artisan make:service UserService -r UserRepository -r RoleRepository

Customize the filter builder

Override the buildFilter method in the repository class to customize the buildFilter from the request.

protected function buildFilter(Builder $query, array $filters = []): Builder
    return $query->orderBy('name')
        ->when(Arr::get($filters, 'name'), function (Builder $query, $name) {
            $query->where('name', 'like', "%{$name}%");

Now you just need to call getAll or getPagination, the query will filter itself according to the filters you pass in.

Customize the relationship builder

Similar to the filter builder, you can override the buildRelationships method to customize relational query handling.

protected function buildRelationships(): Builder
    return $this->model()->with(['roles', 'permissions']);

Customize the query builder

If you want to customize the query without affecting other methods that are using buildRelationships and buildFilter, you can override the getBuilder method.

protected function getBuilder(array $filters = []): Builder
    return $this->model()
        ->with(['roles', 'permissions'])
        ->when(Arr::get($filters, 'name'), function (Builder $query, $name) {
            $query->where('name', 'like', "%{$name}%");

Set an authenticated user for the service

Use authenticated users to use permission checks in the service.

class UserController
    public function index(Request $request)
        $users = $this->userService
class UserService extends Service
    public function getList(array $filters = [])
        if ($this->authUser()->can('view_user')) {
            // Do something

Implementation and expansion

The simple repository provides two trait classes "HasFilter" and "Safetyable" that serve to build queries that handle sorting and filtering of data (HasFilter) and use transactions for data interaction (Safetyable). By default, the base service and base repository classes extend these two trait classes.

HasFilter provides a buildFilter method. To use this feature, we need to pass the filters parameter in the format:

$this->buildFilter(query: $query, filters: [
    'search' => [ // Relative search (operator "like")
        'field_1' => 'value1',
        'field_2' => 'value2',
    'or_search' => [ // Relative search (operator "like"). Use the "orWhere" method
        'field_1' => 'value1',
        'field_2' => 'value2',
    'filter' => [ // Absolute search (operator "=")
        'field_1' => 'value1',
        'field_2' => 'value2',
    'or_filter' => [ // Absolute search (operator "="). Use the "orWhere" method
        'field_1' => 'value1',
        'field_2' => 'value2',
    'sort' => [ // Sort data
        'field' => 'field_name',
        'direction' => 'asc' // asc | desc

To fix the problem of 2 tables having the same field name or you want to change the field on the url to avoid revealing the table and field names in the database, the solution is to create a "transferredFields" property in your service class.

For example: users and roles tables both have a field of "name".

namespace App\Services;

class UserService extends Service
    protected array $transferredFields = [
        'name' => '',
        'role_name' => '',

Or you can also directly override the "getTransferredField" method to transfer the field name.

namespace App\Services;

class UserService extends Service
    protected function getTransferredField(string $field): string
        return [
            'name' => '',
            'role_name' => '',
        ][$field] ?? $field;

ModelFactory attribute

When using model in service, it will look like this:


namespace App\Services;

use App\Models\User;

class UserService extends Service
    public function __construct(
        public User $user,
    ) {

    public function getById($id)
        return $this->user->find($id);

Instead of when using a service, dependent models will be initialized and injected automatically through the container service. Now, only when you call them are they initialized and stored. You can declare and use the model in the service through the ModelFactory attribute like this:


namespace App\Services;

use App\Models\User;
use SimpleRepository\Attributes\ModelFactory;

class UserService extends Service
    public ?User $user = null;

    public function getById($id)
        return $this->getModel('user')->find($id);

Use database processing functions safely

Instead of like this:


try {
    // Do something

    return $data;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {

    return null;

You can use the handleSafely() method instead. The first parameter is a callback for processing logic, the second parameter is the title of the logging. Let's say you get an exception, it will be of the form "Title: {message content}"

use SimpleRepository\Traits\Safetyable;

class MyClass
    use Safetyable;

    public function doSomething($params)
        return $this->handleSafely(function () {
            // Do something

            return $data;
        }, 'Do something');

Services and repositories by default use the Safetyable trait. You can directly invoke the handleSafely() method within services/repositories.

class UserService extends Service
    protected ?User $user = null;

    public function create(array $data)
        return $this->handleSafely(function () use ($data) {
            $user = $this->getModel('user', $data);

            return $user;
        }, 'Create user');

Set up a log channel for the handleSafely() method to log when something goes wrong in the config/simple-repository.php file


return [
    'log_channel' => 'stack',


Inside the service class, you can call other services with the same namespace without importing them and instantiating them. You can call them via the getService method with the service name as the parameter value. For example, App\Services\UserService wants to use App\Services\RoleService.

namespace App\Services\UserService;

public function sampleMethod()
     * @var \App\Services\RoleService
    $roleService = $this->getService('RoleService');
namespace App\Services\UserService;

use App\Services\RoleService;
use SimpleRepository\Attributes\ServiceFactory;

class UserService extends Service
    public ?RoleService $role = null;

    public function sampleMethod()
         * @var \App\Services\RoleService
        $roleService = $this->getService('role');