
cp member get member database package

5.5.10 2019-05-10 02:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 14:10:02 UTC


This package provides to generate user unique code with Laravel.


Currently this package only for laravel 5.5.

Install via composer

    $ composer require tsubasarcs/laravel-recommendation

Publish Migration and Config

Run the following to publish the migrations on your terminal:

    $ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tsubasarcs\Recommendations\RecommendationServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

If you want to change some parameters, you can run the following to publish the config on your terminal:

    $ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tsubasarcs\Recommendations\RecommendationServiceProvider" --tag="config"


Model Recommendation

If you want to do customize model and column, please check Recommendation Model "code" column to prevent code duplicate.

// config/recommendation.php
    'model' => [
        'name' => \Tsubasarcs\Recommendations\Recommendation::class,
        'code_column' => 'code',

Model Recommendation is default belongs to \Tsubasarcs\Recommendations\IlluminateUser::class, You need to change it to your application model.

// config/recommendation.php
    'relation_model' => \Tsubasarcs\Recommendations\IlluminateUser::class,

Default attributes

Generating Code type and length attributes can be customize via setting default key value.

// config/recommendation.php
    'default' => [
        'type' => 1,
        'length' => 10,

Code structure has three parts, prefix, timestamp and code.
You can decide to join prefix and timestamp or not and custom symbol between part and part.

// config/recommendation.php
    // Default only code.
    'code_structure' => [
        'prefix' => '',
        'timestamp' => false,
        'symbol' => '-'


Generating Code

Code Facade end point is generate(), it will return an array.

    // [['type' => 1,'code' => 'X6nbxJ8DHk']];

If you are not using endpoint, it will return CodeService instance.

    // Tsubasarcs\Recommendations\CodeService {#result: [], #times: 1, #type: 2, #length: 10};


    // [
    //      ["type" => 2, "code" => "cp@1557454693@4PZHxJXdM7K8OBo"],
    //      ["type" => 2, "code" => "cp@1557454693@rnExFAeD18GDMhs"]
    // ];
    // default
    // config('recommendation.code_structure.prefix') == 'cp'
    // config('recommendation.code_structure.timestamp') == true
    // config('recommendation.code_structure.prefix') == 'cp'
    // config('recommendation.code_structure.timestamp') == true
    // config('recommendation.code_structure.symbol') == '_'