
Magento 2 Command Utilities to aid developers in their development process

1.0.5 2021-05-04 13:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 20:18:49 UTC


This Magento Module is purely for developer aid, and not to be used in production.

This Magento Module is only intended currently for Magento 2.4. It might work in 2.3 too, but testing only happens on 2.4 CE

To install this module run in your magento root folder

composer require --dev tschallacka/mage2-magecommands && \
bin/magento module:enable Tschallacka_MageCommands && \
bin/magento setup:di:compile

With this a couple commands are added in the tsch namespace so it will be easier to start developing certain magento modules.

Workspace setup

This plugin will require that you do your module development in a folder named local in your magento root.

If you create your modules via the MageCommands, it will automatically register a local directory repository in your development Magento root composer.json that points to the newly created module in the local folder, so you can install your newly created module into the correct vendor folder via symlink via composer require and everything works as if it's a properly installed module.

Quick workflow for creating a module and installing it:

bin/magento tsch:module:create HappyCoder_AwesomeModule && \
composer require happy-coder/awesome-module && \
bin/magento module:enable HappyCoder_AwesomeModule \
bin/magento setup:di:compile

creating a module

When paths are not started with a / you can assume your current working directory is the magento root folder, /var/www/html for the examples below.

command: bin/magento tsch:module:create <module_name>

requires: <module_name> A module name in the format of "AuthorName_ModuleName". Example: "Tschallacka_SalesMonitor"


  • Creates a bare bones plugin development folder in /magento/root/folder/local/authorname/modulename
  • registers plugin in /magento/root/composer.json
  • creates tests/unit/phpunit.xml for running local unit tests, code for these tests should be placed in tests/code
  • creates tests/unit/framework/bootstrap.php for bootstrapping the magento bootstrap
  • creates etc/di.xml
  • creates etc/module.xml
  • creates composer.json
  • creates registration.php
  • outputs which commands you need to execute to install the plugin

creating a command

command: bin/magento tsch:module:create:command <module_name> <command_name> [<command arguments>...]


  • <module_name> A module name in the format of AuthorName_ModuleName. Example: Tschallacka_SalesMonitor
  • <command_name> the name of the command, unique for your module. The command will become authorname:modulename:commandname

Image of output

Command arguments can be provided in the format of "[==]argument_name:<optional|required>:<string:array:none>:<help description>"
If you start your command argument with == then it will become an input option. Othewise it becomes an argument.
You can only use type none with an optional command(==argumentname)


bin/magento author:module:command --quiet
`bin/magento tsch:module:create:command Author_Module command "==quiet::none:stop from outputting to console"

bin/magento author:module:command --name=foobar
`bin/magento tsch:module:create:command Author_Module command "==name:required::A name is required for this command option"

bin/magento author:module:command --make="stew" carrots beef apples
`bin/magento tsch:module:create:command Author_Module command "==make:required:string:what to cook stew or soup" "ingredients:required:array:what to put in the stew"

Image of output


  • creates file Console/Commands/CommandName.php
  • registers command in etc/di.xml
  • outputs which commands you need to run to activate the command