truecastdesign / hopper
This library provides a simple and powerful way to SET and GET records from a PDO database.
- php: >=5.5.0
This library provides a simple and powerful way to SET and GET records from a PDO database. It has many powerful database interaction methods that have been developed over the past 10 years.
To install with composer:
composer require truecastdesign/hopper
Requires PHP 5.5 or newer.
Here's a basic usage example:
# composer autoloader require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php'; # create a new instance of the Hopper class $DB = new \Truecast\Hopper(['type'=>'mysql', 'username'=>'', 'password'=>'', 'database'=>'']); # insert a record $DB->set('table_name', ['first_name'=>'John', 'last_name'=>'Doe', 'phone'=>'541-555-5555', 'status'=>'live']); # id:1 $DB->set('table_name', ['first_name'=>'Tim', 'last_name'=>'Baldwin', 'phone'=>'541-555-5551', 'status'=>'live']); # id:2 # update a record $DB->set('table_name', ['id'=>1, 'phone'=>'541-555-5556']); # execute your own update or insert query and check if it was successful if ($DB->execute('update tablename set field1=?, field2=? where field3=?', ['val1', 'val2', 'val3'])) { # updated row } else { # didn't update row } # execute your own update or insert query and check if it was successful if ($DB->execute('insert into tablename set field1=?, field2=? where field3=?', ['val1', 'val2', 'val3'])) { # updated row } else { # didn't update row } # get single record $recordObj = $DB->get('select * from table_name where id=?', [1], 'object'); $recordArray = $DB->get('select * from table_name where id=?', [1], 'array'); # output: stdClass Object ('id'=>1, first_name'=>'John', 'last_name'=>'Doe', 'phone'=>'541-555-5555', 'status'=>'live') Array ('id'=>1, first_name'=>'John', 'last_name'=>'Doe', 'phone'=>'541-555-5555', 'status'=>'live') # get a single value $value = $DB->get('select first_name from table_name where id=?', [1], 'value'); # output string 'John' # get several records $recordList = $DB->get('select id,first_name,last_name from table_name where status=?', ["live"], '2dim'); # output Array ( [0]=>Array ('id'=>1, first_name'=>'John', 'last_name'=>'Doe') [1]=>Array ('id'=>2, 'first_name'=>'Tim', 'last_name'=>'Baldwin'))
Create config file in the format and the truecastdesign/config class to turn it into an object to pass to the construct. This allows you to store configuration in an ini file.
; MySQL database config config_title = 'mysql' type = 'mysql' hostname = 'localhost' username = 'root' password = 'password' database = 'dbname' port = 3306 persistent = true emulate_prepares = false compress = true charset = 'utf8' buffer = true sslCertAuthority = '' // The file path to the SSL certificate authority. sslCaCertificates = '' // The file path to the directory that contains the trusted SSL CA certificates, which are stored in PEM format. sslCert = '' // The file path to the SSL certificate. sslCipher = '' // A list of one or more permissible ciphers to use for SSL encryption, in a format understood by OpenSSL. For example: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:AES128-SHA sslKey = '' // The file path to the SSL key. sslVerifyCert = '' // Provides a way to disable verification of the server SSL certificate. multiStatements = '' // Disables multi query execution in both PDO::prepare() and PDO::query() when set to false.
Instantiate using a config file.
$DB = new \Truecast\Hopper($Config->mysql);
Delete a record
$DB->delete('table_name', 1); # deletes record with id=1 $DB->delete('table_name', 'value', 'field_name'); # deletes records with field_name='value'
There is a method for setting a record into a Scalable Key-Value table.
Scalable Key-Value table is a table that have field names like id, record_id, key, value. Each key-value pair in a records is stored in its own table row. This way you can dynamically add and remove fields you want to store.
$settings = ['record_id_field'=>'record_id', 'record_id'=>1, 'key_field'=>'field_name', 'value_field'=>'value']; $DB->setScalableKeyValue('table_name', ['first_name'=>'John', 'last_name'=>'Doe', 'phone'=>'541-555-5555', 'status'=>'live'], $settings)
More method documentation coming as soon as I have time to write it up.
Empty a table of data