
A PHP script to download Adobe HDS streams

1.1.1 2015-03-17 21:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 18:51:00 UTC


A PHP script to download Adobe HDS streams. Forked from K-S-V.


composer require "trong/adobehds:1.1.*"


$ vendor/bin/adobehds --help

KSV Adobe HDS Downloader

You can use script with following switches:

 --help              displays this help
 --debug             show debug output
 --delete            delete fragments after processing
 --fproxy            force proxy for downloading of fragments
 --play              dump stream to stdout for piping to media player
 --rename            rename fragments sequentially before processing
 --version           display script version
 --auth      [param] authentication string for fragment requests
 --duration  [param] stop recording after specified number of seconds
 --filesize  [param] split output file in chunks of specified size (MB)
 --fragments [param] base filename for fragments
 --fixwindow [param] timestamp gap between frames to consider as timeshift
 --manifest  [param] manifest file for downloading of fragments
 --maxspeed  [param] maximum bandwidth consumption (KB) for fragment downloading
 --outdir    [param] destination folder for output file
 --outfile   [param] filename to use for output file
 --parallel  [param] number of fragments to download simultaneously
 --proxy     [param] proxy for downloading of manifest
 --quality   [param] selected quality level (low|medium|high) or exact bitrate
 --referrer  [param] Referer to use for emulation of browser requests
 --start     [param] start from specified fragment
 --useragent [param] User-Agent to use for emulation of browser requests
 --forwarded [param] Hostname to forward for (X-Forwarded-For HTTP header)

Added Features

In addition to the original features, this fork also supports the following features:

  • Ability to specify X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. (--forwarded)

Removed Features

  • Ability to update the script using the script. I consider it a security risk. (--update)