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A fully featured messaging package for Laravel.

2.1 2015-07-10 11:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 16:46:37 UTC


A fully featured messaging package for Laravel 4, 5 and 5.1.

You can have conversations between multiple users to build a messenger with rooms or just a private 1to1 message system.

The Idea

  • Conversation -> hasMany Users
  • Conversation -> hasMany Messages
  • Message -> hasOne User
  • Message -> hasMany MessageState
  • MessageState -> hasMany User

Like you see in the table above, Hermes is able to differ between different users when it comes to reading a message.

For example:

There is a conversation between 3 users: User1, User2 and User3.

User1 writes a message and User2 reads it.

Then we have three MessageStates for this new message:

  • MessageState for User1 is ‘own’
  • MessageState for User2 is ‘read’
  • MessageState for User3 is ‘unread’


Step 1: Composer.json

For Laravel 5

    "require": {
        "triggerdesign/hermes": "2.*"

For Laravel 4

    "require": {
        "triggerdesign/hermes": "1.0"

Run a composer update.

Step 2: app.php

	'providers' => array(
	'aliases' => array(
        'Messaging' => Triggerdesign\Hermes\Facades\Messaging::class

Step 3: Publish migrations and config

    php artisan vendor:publish
    php artisan migrate

Now you have the 4 tables that we need for user conversations.

Step 4: Use the user trait

You should use a trait inside your User model:


use Triggerdesign\Hermes\Models\UserTrait as HermesTrait;

class User extends BaseModel implements ConfideUserInterface
    use HermesTrait;


Start a new conversation or find an existing one

Start a converstion between user with the ID 1 and the user with the ID 2. If there is allready one it will return the existing conversation.

    //This will start a new conversation between user 1 and 2 or find an existing one
    $conversation = Messaging::startConversation([1,2]);
    //or try to find one on your own
    $conversation =  Messagging::findConversations($user_ids, $arguments, $limit);

Now you have access to these functions and attributes:

    //All messages in one conversation
    //Add a message
    $conversation->isUnread(); //conversation has unread messages
    $conversation->doRead(); //call this after a user has read his messages

You can also have groups of messages like in facebook. Several messages are collected into a group of messages, if they is not too much time in between and if they are all from one sender.

    //Build an array of \Triggerdesign\Hermes\Classes\MessageGroup
    $messageGroups = $conversation->buildGroups();
    //now you can iterate throgh these groups and buld your own messenger
    @foreach($messageGroups as $messageGroup)
        <b>{{ $messageGroup->getUser()->name }}: @ {{ $messageGroup->getStart()->format('d.m.Y H:i:s');  }}</b>
        @foreach($messageGroup->getMessages() as $message)
            <p>{{ nl2br($message->content)  }}</p>

Access the conversations of a user

The trait allows you to use these functions:

	//All conversations that this user is a member of
	//How many messages are unread
	//Get all unread conversations
	//Get all unread conversations inside all the unread conversations


The configuration files are published into your app directory.

  • If you dont use the "users" table for storing your users you can rename it in hermes.usersTable
  • Change the tableprefix if you want to: hermes.tablePrefix