trejjam / emailing
Send email over rabbitMQ
2014-12-29 17:50 UTC
- php: >=5.3.1
- ext-imap: *
- kdyby/rabbitmq: @dev
- nette/nette: ~2.2
Requires (Dev)
- nette/tester: @dev
- kdyby/console: to use CLI configurator
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-05 19:32:48 UTC
Library for
- managing emails
- their groups
- send email to group(s)
- save email to IMAP
The best way to install Trejjam/Emailing is using Composer:
$ composer require trejjam/emailing
Configuration RabbitMq
Look how to configure Kdyby/RabbitMq This extension need only 'rabbitmq.connection'
extensions: rabbitmq: Kdyby\RabbitMq\DI\RabbitMqExtension rabbitmq: connection: default: host: localhost port: 5672 user: 'guest' password: 'guest' vhost: '/'
extensions: emailing: Trejjam\DI\EmailingExtension emailing: tables : emails : table : send__emails id : id email : email groups : table : send__groups id : id parentId : parent_id name : name type : name : type options : [public, private] group_email : table : send__group_email id : id groupId : group_id emailId : email_id newsletter : name : newsletter options : [enable, disable] senders : table : send__sender id : id email : email configName : config_name connect : default : smtp : FALSE #TRUE - use SmtpMailer NULL - disable connection FALSE - use SendmailMailer host : NULL smtp_port : NULL username : NULL password : NULL secure : ssl imap : FALSE imap_host : TRUE #TRUE -> use host imap_port : 993 imap_param : /imap/ssl/validate-cert #Flags from imap_username : TRUE #TRUE -> use username imap_password : TRUE #TRUE -> use password other: ... rabbitmq : mailer : templateDir : '/presenters/templates/' defaultTemplate: 'emails/default.latte' imap : sendFolder : 'Sent.From web' producers : mailer : name : NULL #NULL -> use mailer connection : default exchange : NULL #NULL -> use mailer imap : name : NULL #NULL -> use imap connection : default exchange : NULL consumers : mailer : connection : default exchange : NULL queue : NULL imap : connection : default exchange : NULL queue : NULL cache : use : TRUE name : emailing timeout : 60 minutes
The best way for configuration is using Kdyby/Console
$ composer require kdyby/console
Read how to install Kdyby/Console
php index.php
After successful installation display:
Available commands:
Emailing:imap Basic IMAP task
Emailing:groups Edit groups
Emailing:install Install default tables
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
Config database
Create default tables:
php index.php Emailing:install
Config imap
List folders:
php index.php Emailing:imap [connectionName=default] -l
Add folder:
php index.php Emailing:imap [connectionName=default] -c folderName [-l]
Config groups
Add group:
php index.php Emailing:groups groupName [parentName] -c [-t type] [-l]
Move group:
php index.php Emailing:groups groupName [parentName] -m [-l]
Edit group:
php index.php Emailing:groups groupName -t type [-l]
Delete group:
php index.php Emailing:groups groupName -r [-l]
List all groups:
php index.php Emailing:groups -l
Config senders
Add sender:
php index.php Emailing:senders senderEmail [connection=default] -c [-l]
Change connection:
php index.php Emailing:senders senderEmail [connection=default] [-l]
Delete sender:
php index.php Emailing:senders senderEmail -r [-l]
List all senders:
php index.php Emailing:senders -l
/** * @var \Trejjam\Emailing\RabbitMq\Mailer @inject */ public $rabbitMailer; /** * @var \Trejjam\Emailing\Emails @inject */ public $emails; /** * @var \Trejjam\Emailing\Groups @inject */ public $groups; /** * @var \Trejjam\Emailing\Senders @inject */ public $senders; function renderDefault() { $this->senders->addSender(""); $this->senders->addSender("", "other"); $message=$this->rabbitMailer->createEmail(); $message->setSender(""); //set from and connection $message->setImapSave(TRUE); $message->setTo(""); $this->rabbitMailer->send($message); //send email generated by defaultTemplate, send using default connection, save email to IMAP $message->setSender(""); $message->setTemplate("newsletter.latte"); $message->setImapFolder("Sent.newsletter"); $message->setImapConnection("default"); $message->setUnsubscribeEmail(""); $message->setTo(""); $this->rabbitMailer->send($message); //send email generated by newsletter.latte, send using 'other' connection, save email to IMAP using 'default' $email = $this->emails->addEmail(""); $email2 = $this->emails->addEmail(""); $all=$this->groups->addGroup("all"); $group = $this->groups->addGroup("newsletter", "all"); $this->emails->addEmailToGroup($email, $group); $this->emails->addEmailToGroup($email2, $all); foreach ($all->getEmailsRecursive() as $v) { dump($v->getEmail()); //, } foreach ($all->getEmails() as $v) { dump($v->getEmail()); // } foreach ($group->getEmails() as $v) { dump($v->getEmail()); // } dump($this->groups->getGroup("all")->containEmail($email)); //FALSE dump($this->groups->getGroup("newsletter")->containEmail($email)); //TRUE $this->emails->removeEmail("", TRUE); $this->emails->removeEmail("", TRUE); }