
A simple CSV parser, returns a multidimensional array. The class is very easy to install and use within a PSR compatiable psr compati

1.0.0 2018-04-29 14:55 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 03:54:10 UTC



Tranquilo Parse-csv is a miniscule PHP application library. The library allows you to pass a csv file where some validation is done to insure your data is given back within an array.


You can install this library using Composer:

$ composer require tranquilo/parsecsv

This project requires PHP 5.5 and has no dependencies.

The code is intended to comply with [PSR-1](, [PSR-2](, and [PSR-4]( If you find any issues related to standards compliance, please send a pull request!


Some examples.

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Tranquilo\ParseCsv;
///use Tranquilo\Exceptions\CsvException;

	// filepath, delimiter : optional
	$csv = new ParseCsv(__DIR__ . '/test.csv', ","); 
	// optional convert the encoding

	// // starts from 5 
	$withOffset = $csv->getWithOffset(5); 

	// gets all rows
	$allRowsCsv = $csv->get(5);

	// gets 10 rows starting from 5
	$withLimitAndOffset = $csv->get(5, 2);


}catch(CsvException $e){

	echo $e->getMessage();
}catch(Exception $e){

	echo $e->getMessage();