
Auto gen controller code

v1 2022-04-16 16:32 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-05 11:41:29 UTC


For each person and each project will bring a different code structure, each person likes and has their own style, this project does not help you to create really good controllers, but it can be a foundation. so you can create your own better versions by making changes in the templates folder


Install via composer (packagist):

composer require trannguyenhan/autogencontroller


Gen controller and repository with command:

php artisan tnhgen:controller

If your controller extends orther Class without Controller or your repository extends other Class without BaseRepository add parameter when gen controller:

php artisan tnhgen:controller --basecontroller YourController --baserepository YourRepository

If you want assign model corresponding with controller use under parameter:

php artisan tnhgen:controller --model YourModel

If controller within a namespace, add parameter:

php artisan tnhgen:controller --namespace YourNamespace

and of course, you can combine all the above parameters at once. If you want gen model from MySQL database, PostgreSQL and SQLite, you can follow repository