
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.1.1) of this package.

TrackBase API Connector Class that makes making calls to TrackBase as easy as two lines of code.

0.1.1 2021-01-27 16:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 01:06:15 UTC


TrackBase is hosting own APIs for developers amongst its users and for clans that want to depict TrackBase data in their very own way without having to use iframes or such. Users that have registered on the Developers Platform could already query our several APIs in any programming language they like, or through standard cURL requests. With this package, TrackBase wants to give an easier entry into gathering information from its servers, without the need of knowing how to code. All it takes for a standard request to our API is two lines of code.

Please make sure that you are registered as a developer in the first place and read through our API docs for a better idea of how we are returning information and what parameters you need to supply. Additionally, and most importantly, check out the How To Use section in this document further down.



The recommended path to installing and using our library is to use Composer.

Execute the following line of code in your terminal to install our library into your project:

composer require trackbasenet/dev-api

Alternatively you can also add our library to your project through the composer.json file like so:

	"require": {
		"trackbasenet/dev-api": "*"

Eventually you would want to install our library through the following line executed in your terminal:

composer install

ZIP Download

If you are unfamiliar with or do not want to use Composer, you could also download the latest ZIP archive and include the src/autoload.php file. This bypasses the version system and downloads the code up to the latest commit.

Eventually you will need to require_once the autoloader like this:

require_once __DIR__ . '/src/autoload.php';

How To Use


Before running any methods, you will need to instantiate the TrackBaseApi class and supply the necessary credentials that are required to query our APIs.


$options = [
	'game' => 'et'

$api = new \TrackBaseNet\TrackBaseApi($app_id, $relation_token, $_aak, $options);

While $options currently only supports setting a game, to which you want to make query requests. Currently, only et is available. This means, you do not need to supply the $options array.

Available Methods

After you have instantiated your TrackBaseApi class, you can run any supported method directly on this object. Following methods are supported:


 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * order: 'asc' or 'desc'
 * limit: any integer between 1 and 50
 * start: any integer greater than 0, useful for pagination

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'order' => 'asc',
	'limit' => 10,
	'start' => 1



 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * order: 'asc' or 'desc'
 * limit: any integer between 1 and 50
 * start: any integer greater than 0, useful for pagination

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'order' => 'asc',
	'limit' => 10,
	'start' => 1



 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * order: 'asc' or 'desc'
 * limit: any integer between 1 and 50
 * start: any integer greater than 0, useful for pagination

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'order' => 'asc',
	'limit' => 10,
	'start' => 1



 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * order: 'asc' or 'desc'
 * limit: any integer between 1 and 50
 * start: any integer greater than 0, useful for pagination

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'order' => 'asc',
	'limit' => 10,
	'start' => 1



 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * pid: any integer greater than 0 that corresponds to a player's ID
 * order: 'asc' or 'desc'
 * limit: any integer between 1 and 50
 * start: any integer greater than 0, useful for pagination

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'pid' => 1,
	'order' => 'asc',
	'limit' => 10,
	'start' => 1



 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * pid: any integer greater than 0 that corresponds to a player's ID
 * order: 'asc' or 'desc'
 * limit: any integer between 1 and 50
 * start: any integer greater than 0, useful for pagination

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'pid' => 1,
	'order' => 'asc',
	'limit' => 10,
	'start' => 1



 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * pid: any integer greater than 0 that corresponds to a player's ID
 * order: 'asc' or 'desc'
 * limit: any integer between 1 and 50
 * start: any integer greater than 0, useful for pagination

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'pid' => 1,
	'order' => 'asc',
	'limit' => 10,
	'start' => 1



 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * cid: any integer greater than 0 that corresponds to a clan's ID
 * order: 'asc' or 'desc'

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'cid' => 1,
	'order' => 'asc',



 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * sid: any integer greater than 0 that corresponds to a server's ID
 * order-by: one of the following: ['xp', 'rate', 'rating', 'ping', 'class', 'kills', 'deaths', 'playername']
 * order: 'asc' or 'desc'
 * limit: any integer between 1 and 50
 * start: any integer greater than 0, useful for pagination

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'sid' => 1,
	'order-by' => 'rate',
	'order' => 'desc',
	'limit' => 10,
	'start' => 1



 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * sid: any integer greater than 0 that corresponds to a server's ID
 * order-by: 'time'
 * order: 'asc' or 'desc'
 * limit: any integer between 1 and 50
 * start: any integer greater than 0, useful for pagination

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'sid' => 1,
	'order-by' => 'time',
	'order' => 'desc',
	'limit' => 10,
	'start' => 1



 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * sid: any integer greater than 0 that corresponds to a server's ID
 * order-by: one of the following: ['playername', 'rate', 'rating', 'time', 'ratetime', 'lastseen']
 * order: 'asc' or 'desc'
 * limit: any integer between 1 and 50
 * start: any integer greater than 0, useful for pagination

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'sid' => 1,
	'order-by' => 'rate',
	'order' => 'desc',
	'limit' => 10,
	'start' => 1



 * Available options, specifically for this method:
 * uid: any integer greater than 0 that corresponds to a user's ID
 * request: binary request number that translates to the information that should be received. For more information, please check the documentation / your app on our developers platform

// Following options are default and do not need to be supplied by default
$options = [
	'uid' => 0,
	'request' => 0



// This method is a shortcut for the ->userInfo() method and receives the $user_id and $request integers as its arguments
$api->getUser($user_id, $request);


// This method can be called when you want to connect a user to your app. It returns a redirection header to our developers platform.


// This method needs to be called on the URI that has been submitted as your "Server URL" in your app settings. It holds the logic for fetching a user in the correct way. It requires your apps $returnToken as well as a return method that will be called once your site registers a new call from TrackBase with a new user ID. The $user_id will be its only parameter.
$possible_new_user_id = $api->collectNewUser($returnToken, function ($user_id) {
// Any logic to store the user ID
// This can either be a database call inside this method,
// or return the user ID itself. If so, you might want to catch this methods return inside a new variable ($possible_new_user_id)

Global Methods

Some methods are global and can be called on any api method.


This method returns the amount of rows being returned. In some cases this might not be the expected figure. For more details, please check the API docs.

$topTenPlayers_count = $api->ranklist()->countResults();


This method returns the first result of the result set. If there are no results, or the query returned an error, NULL will be returned.

$topPlayer = $api->ranklist()->firstResult();


This method returns the whole result set. If there are no results, or the query returned an error, an empty [] array will be returned.

$topTenPlayers = $api->ranklist()->getResults();


This method returns the status code that is returned with any query. 200 signals a good query.

$requestStatusCode = $api->ranklist()->getStatusCode();


This method returns the message that is returned with any query. It will be empty if there are errors returned.

$requestMessage = $api->ranklist()->getMessage();


This method returns the error message that is returned with any query. It will be empty if there are no errors returned.

$requestErrorMessage = $api->ranklist()->getError();


This method returns the error code. This is extremely helpful for debugging purposes or when contacting us with an issue. For more details check the getError method.

$requestErrorCode = $api->ranklist()->getErrorCode();


This method returns whether or not errors were returned. It can be used to see easily if the query was successful. For further checks you might want to use the countResults method.

$hasErrors = $api->ranklist()->hasErrors();

if ($hasErrors) {
	// Show errors


Receiving the TOP 10 players of the TSP ranklist

$api = new \TrackBaseNet\TrackBaseApi($app_id, $relation_token, $_aak, ['game' => 'et']);

$results = $api->ranklist(['order' => 'asc', 'limit' => 10, 'start' => 1])->getResults();

or quicker:

$api = new \TrackBaseNet\TrackBaseApi($app_id, $relation_token, $_aak);

$results = $api->ranklist()->getResults();

Receiving the last 5 sessions played on a server

$api = new \TrackBaseNet\TrackBaseApi($app_id, $relation_token, $_aak);

$results = $api->serverSessions(['sid' => 1234, 'limit' => 5])->getResults();

Receiving and showing a specific player name in HTML format

$api = new \TrackBaseNet\TrackBaseApi($app_id, $relation_token, $_aak);

$player = $api->playerInfo(['pid' => 1234])->firstResult();

echo "Hello, {$player->playername_html}!";

Listening on TrackBase return calls with new user information

$api = new \TrackBaseNet\TrackBaseApi($app_id, $relation_token, $_aak);

$api->collectNewUser($returnToken, function ($user_id) use ($database) {
	$database->insertRow('users_table', ['trackbase_userid' => $user_id]);

Fetching user information

$api = new \TrackBaseNet\TrackBaseApi($app_id, $relation_token, $_aak);

// Get the user's username
	'uid' => $user_id,
	'request' => 1

or quicker:

$api = new \TrackBaseNet\TrackBaseApi($app_id, $relation_token, $_aak);

// Get the user's username
$api->getUser($user_id, 1);


If you have questions or found an issue regarding this library, feel free to open an issue, visit our forums, join our Discord server or write us an email. Thank you for your help!


If you value our work and want to help paying our servers, please consider donating. You will receive a nice gift from us in return!