
Helpers for building section builder with Carbon Fields.

1.0.8 2020-03-31 06:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:28:57 UTC


Helpers for building section builder with Carbon Fields.

Quick setup

Extend the Base_Section class with namespace to make your own sections. You can find examples in the examples/ folder.

The extender section class must include fields method that is returning an array with Carbon_Field, and set_name method to set the section name. Example:

class Home_Intro extends Base_Section {
	public function set_name() {
		$this->name = __( 'Home Intro2', 'crb' );
	public function fields() {
		return array(
			Field::make( 'file', 'first_image', __( 'Image', 'crb' ) )
				->set_width( 50 ),
			Field::make( 'file', 'second_image', __( 'Image', 'crb' ) )
				->set_width( 50 ),
			Field::make( 'rich_text', 'content', __( 'Content', 'crb' ) ),

The section builder is used in the Carbon Fields Container as following:

use Carbon_Fields\Container\Container;
use Carbon_Section_Builder\Builder;
use Sections\Home_Intro\Home_Intro;
use Sections\Home_News\Home_News;

Container::make( 'post_meta', __( 'Page Sections' ,'text-domain' ) )
	->where( 'post_type', '=', 'page' )
		array( Builder::make( 'crb_sections', __( 'Home Sections', 'text-domain' ) )
			->add_section( Home_Intro::make() )
			->add_section( Home_News::make() )

To render the sections in some template, use the Section_Renderer class or extend the Renderer interface. Example:

use Carbon_Section_Builder\Renderer\Sections_Renderer;


Sections_Renderer::init( 'crb_sections' )->render();
