
A multi-wallet package for Laravel with support for user roles.

v1.1 2025-01-25 09:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 10:15:37 UTC


Package Name: towoju5/laravel-wallet
Description: A multi-wallet package for Laravel applications, with support for user roles, currency-based wallets, and transaction logging.

Table of Contents


  • Multiple Wallets per User: Each user can have multiple wallets, such as for different currencies or purposes.
  • Role-Based Wallets: Wallets are tied to user roles, allowing users to manage funds based on their active role.
  • Transaction Tracking: Full tracking of deposits, withdrawals, and balances, with detailed transaction logs.
  • Flexible Balance Storage: Balances are stored as integers in the database (in "cents" format) to avoid floating-point inaccuracies.


  • Multiple Wallets per User: Each user can have multiple wallets, such as for different currencies or purposes.
  • Role-Based Wallets: Wallets are tied to user roles, allowing users to manage funds based on their active role.
  • Transaction Tracking: Full tracking of deposits, withdrawals, and balances, with detailed transaction logs.
  • Flexible Balance Storage: Balances are stored as integers in the database (in "cents" format) to avoid floating-point inaccuracies.


Step 1: Install the Package via Composer

composer require towoju5/laravel-wallet

Step 2: Publish Configuration and Migrations

After installation, publish the configuration file and migrations:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Towoju5\\Wallet\\Providers\\WalletServiceProvider"

Step 3: Run Migrations

Run the migrations to create the wallets and _transaction tables.

php artisan migrate


The default currency for wallets can be set in the configuration file:

// config/wallet.php
return [
    'default_currency' => 'usd',


Creating and Accessing Wallets

Each user can have multiple wallets based on currency or other criteria. Use the getWallet() method to create or retrieve a wallet for the user:

$user = User::find(1); // Retrieve a user instance
$wallet = $user->getWallet('usd'); // Retrieve or create a wallet for USD currency

Depositing Funds

Add funds to the wallet with the deposit() method. Optionally, you can include metadata or descriptions for the transaction:

$wallet->deposit(100, ['description' => 'Task completed', 'meta' => ['task_id' => 123]]);

Withdrawing Funds

Withdraw funds from the wallet with the withdraw() method, similarly passing metadata as needed:

$wallet->withdraw(50, ['description' => 'Purchase of domain', 'meta' => ['order_id' => 456]]);

Viewing Balance

Retrieve the wallet’s balance, automatically converted from stored format:

echo $wallet->balance; // E.g., "10.50" for 1050 stored in cents

Transaction Logs

Each transaction is logged in the _transaction table with the following attributes:

  • type: Transaction type (deposit or withdrawal).
  • amount: The amount involved in the transaction.
  • balance_before and balance_after: Track balance changes.
  • description: Additional context or notes on the transaction.
  • _account_type: Indicates the role-based context for the transaction.

Example Usage in Code

$user = User::find(1);
$wallet = $user->getWallet('usd');

$wallet->deposit(1000, ['description' => 'Initial deposit']); // Adds $10.00 in USD
$wallet->withdraw(250, ['description' => 'Payment for service']); // Deducts $2.50

echo "Current Balance: " . $wallet->balance; // Output balance as a decimal value

// For currency swap or conversion

use Towoju5\LaravelWallet\Models\Wallet;
use Towoju5\LaravelWallet\Services\WalletService;
use Towoju5\LaravelWallet\Services\CurrencyExchangeService;

// Assuming dependency injection or manual instantiation
$walletService = new WalletService(new CurrencyExchangeService());

// Create wallets
$usdWallet = Wallet::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'currency' => 'usd']);
$eurWallet = Wallet::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'currency' => 'eur']);

// Deposit in USD wallet
$usdWallet->deposit(1000, ['description' => 'Initial deposit in USD']);

// Transfer funds from USD wallet to EUR wallet
$walletService->transferBetweenCurrencies($usdWallet, $eurWallet, 500);

Database Structure

  1. wallets: Stores wallet information for each user and role combination.

    • user_id: User who owns the wallet.
    • role: User role associated with the wallet (e.g., 'admin', 'general').
    • currency: Wallet currency (e.g., 'usd', 'eur').
    • balance: Stored in integer format (cents) for precision.
  2. _transaction: Logs all wallet transactions with relevant details.

    • type: Transaction type (deposit or withdrawal).
    • balance_before: Balance before transaction.
    • balance_after: Balance after transaction.
    • meta: Additional data (JSON format).
    • _account_type: Active user role when the transaction occurred.

Add screenshots of the following to demonstrate:

  1. Database tables (wallets and _transaction) with example data.
  2. Example code execution and output showing wallet creation, deposits, and withdrawals.

This setup should help you create a seamless, multi-currency, role-based wallet system in your Laravel application. Let me know if you'd like more specific guidance on adding the screenshots or other package improvements!