
TourCMS API wrapper for PHP

v4.9.0 2024-09-23 13:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 07:42:42 UTC



Installing via Composer (Recommended)

  1. Install Composer, add "tourcms/tourcms-php": "4.*", to the requires section of your composer.json:
  2. Ensure you are including composer's autoload.php, alternatively include TourCMS.php directly.

Installing Manually

  1. Download the source zip, extract to your web server
  2. Include TourCMS.php in your source

Upgrading from version 1.x

If you are upgrading from version 1.x of the library the latest TourCMS.php should be more or less a straight swap. The major change being that to adhere to PHP PSR-4 standards, the class is now namespaced. Broadly speaking there are two different ways to update existing code to account for this:

Aliasing the namespace

If you already have a global include file that includes TourCMS.php you could add the following line immediately after TourCMS.php is included:

use TourCMS\Utils\TourCMS as TourCMS;

Your existing code should then work as-is, for example when you create a new instance of the TourCMS class you would have:

$tourcms = new TourCMS(0, 'YOUR_PASSWORD', 'simplexml');

Using the fully qualified name

Alternatively use the fully qualified name when you create a new instance of the class:

$tourcms = new TourCMS\Utils\TourCMS(0, 'YOUR_PASSWORD', 'simplexml');


// Common configuration parameters

  // Marketplace ID will be 0 for Tour Operators, non-zero for Marketplace Agents
  // Agents can find their Marketplace ID in the API page in TourCMS settings
    $marketplace_id = 0;

  // API key will be a string, find it in the API page in TourCMS settings
    $api_key = "YOUR_KEY_HERE";

  // Timeout will set the maximum execution time, in seconds. If set to zero, no time limit is imposed.
    $timeout = 0;

  // Channel ID represents the Tour Operator channel to call the API against
  // Tour Operators may have multiple channels, so enter the correct one here
  // Agents can make some calls (e.g. tour_search()) across multiple channels
  // by entering a Channel ID of 0 or omitting it, or they can restrict to a
  // specific channel by providing the Channel ID
    $channel_id = 0;

// Create a new TourCMS instance
  // Optionally alias the namespace
  use TourCMS\Utils\TourCMS as TourCMS;
  $tourcms = new TourCMS($marketplace_id, $api_key, 'simplexml', $timeout);
  // 'simplexml' returns as a SimpleXMLObject
  // 'raw' returns the XML as as String
// Set a User-Agent
  $tourcms->set_user_agent('Example Tours Website');

// Call the API
  // Here as a quick example we search for some tours
  $result = $tourcms->search_tours('', $channel_id);

// Display the output

Further Examples

API documentation on

Each API method in the TourCMS API documentation includes full PHP sample code.

Examples in this repository

Additionally there are some examples included in this repository, to run them:

  1. Copy the src/examples directory to your web root
  2. Rename examples/config-example.php to examples/config.php
  3. Load your API credentials in the config file and ensure the path to TourCMS.php is correct
  4. Point your web browser at the examples folder

Environment test

The library can attempt to check your local environment and API credentials, useful if you are having trouble connecting. First off make sure you are including TourCMS.php, either via autoload or explicitly.

// Common configuration parameters

// Marketplace ID will be 0 for Tour Operators, non-zero for Marketplace Agents
// Agents can find their Marketplace ID in the API page in TourCMS settings
$marketplace_id = 0;

// API key will be a string, find it in the API page in TourCMS settings
$api_key = "YOUR_KEY_HERE";

// Channel ID represents the Tour Operator channel to call the API against
// Tour Operators may have multiple channels, so enter the correct one here
// Agents can leave this as 0 for the test
$channel_id = 0;

// Create a new TourCMS instance
// Optionally alias the namespace
use TourCMS\Utils\TourCMS as TourCMS;
$tourcms = new TourCMS($marketplace_id, $api_key, "simplexml");

// Call the environment test, the results will be displayed on the screen

Response headers

TourCMS responds with some useful information in the response headers. There is a method to retrieve the last set of response headers via the PHP wrapper.

$headers = $tourcms->get_last_response_headers();
$remaining_limit = $headers["x-ratelimit-remaining"];

Set User-Agent

Set a User-Agent header. Useful when trying to determine which application or process is making API calls.

$tourcms->set_user_agent("Example Tours Website");

Set X-Request-Identifier

Set a uuid or other id to the request. Useful for tracking/logging. Should be pseudo random / unique, e.g. UUID.


Override base URL

By default the base URL will point to TourCMS main production environment. There is a method to override this to point at another base URL, intended for testing purposes.
