
Parse YouTube subscriber counts into usable integers

1.0.5 2019-08-02 15:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:39:53 UTC


Parsing YouTube subscriber counts into usable integers.

In May of 2019 YouTube announced an update that would affect subscriber counts on their YouTube Data API. This update would adjust the full integer formatting of subscriber counts (673335), found in the API responses, to match the abbreviated display format (673K) found on YouTubes video & channel pages.

This library will convert YouTube's formatted strings to integers for easy database storage, front end display, etc.

YouTube Data API Request

GET /v3/channels?part=statistics&forUsername=howdiniguru&key=...&fields=items(statistics(subscriberCount))

Pre August 2019 response

 "items": [
   "statistics": {
    "subscriberCount": "673335"

Post August 2019 response

 "items": [
   "statistics": {
    "subscriberCount": "673K"

Installation & Usage

composer require touchstorm/youtube-subscriber-parser
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Subscriber\Count;

$tens_abbr_count = '41';
$hundreds_abbr_count = '311';
$thousands_decimal_abbr_count = '1.5K';
$thousands_abbr_count = '883K';
$millions_abbr_count = '99M';
$hundred_millions_abbr_count = '943M';

echo Count::parse($tens_abbr_count); // 41
echo Count::parse($hundreds_abbr_count); // 311
echo Count::parse($thousands_decimal_abbr_count); // 1500
echo Count::parse($thousands_abbr_count); // 883000
echo Count::parse($millions_abbr_count); // 99000000
echo Count::parse($hundred_millions_abbr_count); // 943000000