
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

The Laravel 5 Url Shortener Package

This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.



Package Installation

Execute the following command to get the latest version of the package:

composer require tooleks/url-shortener

App Configuration

To register the service simply add Tooleks\UrlShortener\Providers\UrlShortenerServiceProvider::class into your config/app.php to the end of the providers array:

'providers' => [

If you prepare to use the service via facade interface add 'UrlShortener' => Tooleks\UrlShortener\Facades\UrlShortener::class into your config/app.php to the end of the aliases array:

'aliases' => [
    'UrlShortener' => Tooleks\UrlShortener\Facades\UrlShortener::class,

Publish migration scripts with the command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tooleks\UrlShortener\Providers\UrlShortenerServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

Run migration scripts:

php artisan migrate

Usage Examples

Via Service
use \Tooleks\UrlShortener\Services\Contracts\UrlShortenerServiceContract;

$urlShortener = app(UrlShortenerServiceContract::class);

$shortUrl = $urlShortener->getShortUrl($longUrl);
use \Tooleks\UrlShortener\Services\Contracts\UrlShortenerServiceContract;

$urlShortener = app(UrlShortenerServiceContract::class);

$longUrl = $urlShortener->getLongUrl($shortUrl);
Via Service Facade
$shortUrl = UrlShortener::getShortUrl($longUrl);
$longUrl = UrlShortener::getLongUrl($shortUrl);