
This utility deploys Laravel's translation arrays and make them capable compatible with i18next javascript module.

dev-master 2019-03-21 19:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 08:11:25 UTC


Made for Laravel 5.x, tested on Laravel 5.7. To use with laravel-localization-to-vue, i18next and vue-i18next. I recommend using i18next-xhr-backend and i18next-localStorage-cache.

Example of code in routes/web.php:

use TommasoMatteini\i18NextLaravelArrayDeployer\ArrayDeployer;

/* i18n next passing values to i18next-xhr-backend */

Route::get('/locales/{lng}/{ns}.json', function ($lng, $ns) {
    $locales = ExportLocalization::export()->toArray(); // <-- laravel-localization-to-vue
    $results = isset($locales[$lng][$ns]) ? $locales[$lng][$ns] : [];
    $deployer = new ArrayDeployer($results); // <-- i18next-laravel-array-deployer
    return response()->json($deployer->getData());

Route::post('/locales/{lng}/{ns}', function ($lng, $ns) {
    // do something with missing namespaces ($ns) and languages ($lng)

Example of code in app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;
use KgBot\LaravelLocalization\Facades\ExportLocalizations as ExportLocalization;
use TommasoMatteini\i18NextLaravelArrayDeployer\ArrayDeployer;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        $translation = array();
        foreach (ExportLocalization::export()->toArray()['json'] as $key => $lng) { <-- laravel-localization-to-vue (hese used for making available json-based translations)
            $translation[$key]['translation'] = $lng;
        $deployer = new ArrayDeployer($translation); <-- i18next-laravel-array-deployer
        View::share('translation', $deployer->getData());

Example of code in app.js:

import i18next from 'i18next';
import Backend from 'i18next-xhr-backend';
import Cache from 'i18next-localstorage-cache';
import VueI18Next from '@panter/vue-i18next';

 * First we will load all of this project's JavaScript dependencies which
 * includes Vue and other libraries. It is a great starting point when
 * building robust, powerful web applications using Vue and Laravel.


window.Vue = require('vue');

 * Language bundle


let i18nextLib = i18next.use(Backend);

        ns: ['auth'], // here we must define namespaces
        lng: window.Laravel.locales.lng,  // window.Laravel.locales.lng => you should implement your solution
        fallbackLng: window.Laravel.locales.fallbackLng,  // window.Laravel.locales.fallbackLng => ^ as above ^
        debug: true,
        cache: {
            enabled: true,
            prefix: 'i18next_res_',
            expirationTime: 7*24*60*60*1000,
            versions: { en: 'v1.1', it: 'v1.0' }, // here we should define translations versions
        backend: {
            customHeaders: {
                'X-CSRF-TOKEN': window.Laravel.csrfToken  // window.Laravel.csrfToken => ^ as above ^
            loadPath: window.Laravel.url('/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'), // window.Laravel.url('...') => ^ as above ^
            addPath: window.Laravel.url('/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}'), // ^ as above ^
            parse: function (data) {
                console.log(data);  // json data for debug
                return JSON.parse(data);
    }, function () {
        var userLang = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage;
        console.log(i18next); // i18next object for debugging
        console.log ("The language is: " + userLang); // this will output current language
        console.log("Translated value = " + i18next.t("auth:failed")); // this will output failed message with auth namespace 
        console.log("Translated value = " + i18next.t("auth:throttle", { seconds: '1207' })); // this will output throttle message with auth namespace, {{seconds}} interpolation will be replaced
        console.log("Translated value = " + i18next.t("Hello World")); // this will be translated 

    i18nextLib.addResourceBundle(k, 'translation', window.Laravel.locales.translations[k].translation, true, true); // this will add non-xhr languages loaded in view

let i18n = new VueI18Next(i18next);


 * Next, we will create a fresh Vue application instance and attach it to
 * the page. Then, you may begin adding components to this application
 * or customize the JavaScript scaffolding to fit your unique needs.

var data = {
    earnings: {},
    sales: {}

var app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: data,
    i18n: i18n,
    watch: {


console.log(i18next.t('I love programming.')); // this is won't function (you will need something like ->, to make this)
console.log(i18next.t('Hello World')); // ^ as above ^

My solution to get laravel global variables, in my resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php


<!-- Laravel global variables -->
<script type="text/javascript" defer>
    window.Laravel = {
        'csrfToken': '{{ csrf_token() }}',
        'baseUrl': '{{ url('/') }}',
        'locales': {
            'lng': '{{ app()->getLocale() }}',
            'fallbackLng': '{{ config('app.fallback_locale') }}',
            'translations': @if ($translation) @json($translation) @else {} @endif



Use [Composer] to install the package:

$ composer require tommasomatteini/i18next-laravel-array-deployer