
v1.0.3 2023-02-23 01:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 04:30:03 UTC


Composer Install

composer require tomkirsch/html_email

Add the service to Config\Services

	public static function htmlEmail(array $emailConfig=[], bool $getShared=TRUE){
		return $getShared ? static::getSharedInstance('htmlEmail', $emailConfig) : new \Tomkirsch\HtmlEmail\HtmlEmail($emailConfig);

Use it.

$htmlEmail = service('htmlEmail', ['protocol'=>'mail']); // you can pass an array for CI's email->initialize() if you'd like.
	->setSubject('A Test Email for YOU!')
	->p('This is the preheader. It shows up in email previews (sometimes), but not the body.')
	->p('Well Hello There!', [
	->p('This is a test email that uses HTML standard from 1992, because email applications cannot get their shit together. Hopefully this looks the same in most programs.')
			'label'=>'Plain Link',
	->p('You can make button groups that are horizontal.')
		'urls'=> ['', ''],
		'labels'=>['Button Group 1', 'Button Group 2'],
	->p('You can also make button groups that are vertical.')
		'urls'=> ['', ''],
		'labels'=>['Button Group 1', 'Button Group 2'],
	->p('You were sent this email because you stupidly signed up for our mailing list. Deal with it.')
	->setMessage() // this sets the HTML and plain text (setAltMessage()) content. Pass a view to customize the layout.
// you can pass anything through to CI's email lib too