
Asset Library for CI4

v1.0.11 2024-03-24 01:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-24 01:05:59 UTC


This module will assist in minifying JS, CSS, and fonts, as well as managing sessionStorage cache using JS.




To override defaults, create the config file for your app App\Config\AssetConfig


namespace Config;

use Tomkirsch\Assets\Config\AssetConfig;

class Asset extends AssetConfig
	public $cache = TRUE;
	public $cacheKey = 24;
	public $minify = TRUE;

See Tomkirsch\Assets\Config\AssetConfig.php for full list.

Open App/Config/Services.php and add a method to grab an instance of the library:

	public static function assets($getShared = true, $config = NULL): \Tomkirsch\Assets\Libraries\AssetLib
        if (!$config) $config = new Asset();
        return $getShared ? static::getSharedInstance('assets') : new \Tomkirsch\Assets\Libraries\AssetLib($config);

Open App/Config/Routes.php and add the Min controller:

$routes->get('min', '\Tomkirsch\Assets\Controllers\Min::index');


Add site-wide assets in your Controller:

<?php namespace App\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;

class MyController extends Controller{
	protected $assets;

	public function initController(\CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface $request, \CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface $response, \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger){
		parent::initController($request, $response, $logger);

		// generate assets for non-ajax requests
			$this->assets = Services::assets();

			// fonts
				'path'		=> 'anton',
				'family'	=> 'Anton',
				'name'		=> 'anton',
				'weight'	=> '400',
				'style'		=> 'normal',
				'priority'	=> 'pre_dom',
				'type'		=> 'css',
				'fallbacks'	=> 'woff2,woff,ttf,eot',

			// styles

			// scripts
				'main.js', // strings are assumed post-dom local priority

	public function mymethod(){
		// styles

		// scripts
			// post-DOM local scripts can just be string file names

And finally write the output in your view at the correct locations:

		<?= config('assets')->renderHead() ?>
		<h1>Your HTML</h1>

		<!-- render the body near the closing tag -->
		<?= config('assets')->renderBody() ?>