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Health and fitness calculators

1.2 2023-05-23 22:28 UTC


code coverage

To use these calculators, run the following command in your project.

composer require tomfordweb/health-calculators

How To Use

One Rep Max

Each calculator extends AbstractOneRepMaxCalculator which requires the weight and reps as a constructor argument.

We have included a variety of 1RM calculators so you can use your favorite methods.

$oneRepMax = new BrzyckiOneRepMaxCalculator(100, 2)->calculate();

You can also determine the exertion amounts for a particular one rep max given that you provide an AbstractOneRepMaxCalculator

The following code:

$values = ExertionPercentages::calculate(
    new BrzyckiOneRepMaxCalculator(100, 2)

Will output

    "percentage": 10,
    "value": 10.285714285714285
    "percentage": 20,
    "value": 20.57142857142857
    "percentage": 30,
    "value": 30.857142857142854
    "percentage": 90,
    "value": 92.57142857142857
    "percentage": 100,
    "value": 102.85714285714285


Run the unit tests:


Or to include code coverage:

XDEBUG_MODE=coverage ./vendor/bin/phpunit

You can view the coverage report at _coverage/index.html
