
The uri service provides useful classes to deal with URLs in your applications.

1.0.3 2023-10-15 14:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 16:59:55 UTC


The uri service provides useful classes to deal with URLs in your applications.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the uri service running this command.

composer require tobento/service-uri


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design
  • Extendable



A place to store your applications urls for later usage.

use Tobento\Service\Uri\Urls;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;

$urls = new Urls(uriFactory: new Psr17Factory());

// set urls
$urls->set('home', '');
$urls->set('backend', '');

// get urls
// string(23) ""

// get urls with a default url
var_dump($urls->get('', ''));
// string(26) ""

// get uri
var_dump($urls->getUri('home') instanceof UriInterface);
// bool(true)

// get uri with default url
$uri = $urls->getUri('', '');

// build url
var_dump($urls->build('home', path: 'foo/bar'));
// string(31) ""

// get all urls
foreach($urls->all() as $key => $url) {

You might define a custom builder:

use Tobento\Service\Uri\Urls;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;

$urls = new Urls(uriFactory: new Psr17Factory());

    function(string $uri, ?string $path): string {
        // do custom building
        return $uri;

// only on the build method your custom builder gets called.
var_dump($urls->build('home', path: 'foo/bar'));
// string(23) ""

Uri Path

The UriPath class is immutable, all transform methods return a new instance.

use Tobento\Service\Uri\UriPath;

$path = new UriPath('/foo/bar');

// creating a new path
$newPath = $path->withPath('/foo/bar/new/');

// get the path string
$pathString = $path->get();
$pathString = (string)$path;

// Subtract a string from the beginning path
// string(4) "/bar"

// Decode path
// string(7) "foo bar"

// Encode path
var_dump($path->withPath('foo bar')->encode()->get());
// string(9) "foo%20bar"

Path segments:

use Tobento\Service\Uri\UriPath;

$path = new UriPath('/foo/bar');

// creating a new path with segments
var_dump($path->withSegments(['foo', 'bar'])->get());
// string(7) "foo/bar"

var_dump($path->withSegments(['', 'foo', 'bar'])->get());
// string(8) "/foo/bar"

// get all segments
foreach($path->getSegments() as $segment) {
    // string(0) ""
    // string(3) "foo"
    // string(3) "bar"

// get segment, starting from 1.
// string(0) ""

// string(3) "foo"

var_dump($path->getSegment(4, default: 'value'));
// string(5) "value"

// prepend a segment from the index specified
var_dump($path->prependSegment('prepended', index: 2)->get());
// string(18) "/prepended/foo/bar"

// append a segment from the index specified
var_dump($path->appendSegment('appended', index: 2)->get());
// string(17) "/foo/appended/bar"

// delete a segment from the index specified
var_dump($path->deleteSegment(index: 2)->get());
// string(4) "/bar"

Uri Query

The UriQuery class is immutable, all transform methods return a new instance.

use Tobento\Service\Uri\UriQuery;

// from string
$query = new UriQuery('arg=value&arg1=value1');

// from array
$query = new UriQuery(['arg' => 'value', 'arg1' => 'value1']);

// creating a new query
$newQuery = $query->withQuery('arg=value&arg1=new');

// get the query string
$queryString = $query->get();
$queryString = (string)$query;

// add a parameter
var_dump($query->add('name', 'value')->get());
// string(32) "arg=value&arg1=value1&name=value"

// delete a parameter
// string(11) "arg1=value1"

// modify parameters
        'arg' => 'new',
        'foo' => '1',
// string(25) "arg=new&arg1=value1&foo=1"

// decode query
// string(29) "arg=foo bar&arg1=value1&foo=1"

// encode query
var_dump($query->withQuery('arg=foo bar&arg1=value1&foo=1')->encode()->get());
// string(31) "arg=foo%20bar&arg1=value1&foo=1"

Uri Request

The UriRequest class is immutable, all with methods return a new instance.

use Tobento\Service\Uri\UriRequest;
use Tobento\Service\Uri\UriPath;
use Tobento\Service\Uri\UriQuery;

$uri = new UriRequest('foo?arg=value');

// get the uri string
$uriString = $uri->get();
$uriString = (string)$uri;

// with a new path
// string(13) "bar?arg=value"

var_dump($uri->withPath(new UriPath('bar'))->get());
// string(13) "bar?arg=value"

// with a new query
// string(11) "foo?arg=new"

var_dump($uri->withQuery(['arg' => 'new'])->get());
// string(11) "foo?arg=new"

var_dump($uri->withQuery(new UriQuery('arg=new'))->get());
// string(11) "foo?arg=new"

// get the path
var_dump($uri->path() instanceof UriPath);
// bool(true)

// check if uri has a query
// bool(true)

// get the query, this returns null if no query exists.
var_dump($uri->query() instanceof UriQuery);
// bool(true)

Base Uri

The BaseUri class might be useful for your application.

use Tobento\Service\Uri\BaseUri;
use Tobento\Service\Uri\BaseUriInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
$uri = (new Psr17Factory())->createUri('');

$baseUri = new BaseUri($uri);

var_dump($baseUri instanceof UriInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($baseUri instanceof BaseUriInterface);
// bool(true)

Current Uri

The CurrentUri class might be useful for your application.

use Tobento\Service\Uri\CurrentUri;
use Tobento\Service\Uri\CurrentUriInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
$uri = (new Psr17Factory())->createUri('');

$currentUri = new CurrentUri($uri, isHome: true);

var_dump($currentUri instanceof UriInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($currentUri instanceof CurrentUriInterface);
// bool(true)

// bool(true)

Previous Uri

The PreviousUri class might be useful for your application.

use Tobento\Service\Uri\PreviousUri;
use Tobento\Service\Uri\PreviousUriInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
$uri = (new Psr17Factory())->createUri('');

$previousUri = new PreviousUri($uri);

var_dump($previousUri instanceof UriInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($previousUri instanceof PreviousUriInterface);
// bool(true)

Asset Uri

The AssetUri class might be useful for your application.

use Tobento\Service\Uri\AssetUri;
use Tobento\Service\Uri\AssetUriInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
$uri = (new Psr17Factory())->createUri('');

$assetUri = new AssetUri($uri);

var_dump($assetUri instanceof UriInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($assetUri instanceof BaseUriInterface);
// bool(true)

Base Path Resolver

use Tobento\Service\Uri\BasePathResolver;
use Tobento\Service\Uri\BasePathResolverInterface;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;

$serverRequest = (new Psr17Factory())->createServerRequest(
    ['SCRIPT_NAME' => '/foo/uri.php']

var_dump((new BasePathResolver($serverRequest))->resolve());
// string(4) "/foo"

var_dump(new BasePathResolver($serverRequest) instanceof BasePathResolverInterface);
// bool(true)
