
Building HTML tables easily.

1.0.2 2023-04-15 09:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-15 12:06:42 UTC


The Table Service provides a way for building tables easily.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the Table service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-table


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design
  • Customize rendering



Simple Example

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;

$table = new Table('products');

    'sku' => 'Sku',
    'title' => 'Title',
    'description' => 'Description',
    'price' => 'Price',

    'sku' => 'shirt',
    'title' => 'Shirt',
    'description' => 'A nice shirt in blue color.',
    'price' => 19.99,

Render the table

<?= $table->render() ?>

// or just
<?= $table ?>

Both tables from above will produce the following output

<div class="table">
    <div class="table-row th">
        <div class="table-col grow-1">Sku</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-1">Title</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-2">Description</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-1">Price</div>
    <div class="table-row">
        <div class="table-col grow-1">shirt</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-1">Shirt</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-2">A nice shirt in blue color.</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-1">19.99</div>


Create Table

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;
use Tobento\Service\Table\TableInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Table\Renderer;

$table = new Table(
    name: 'products',
    columns: ['title', 'description'], // The columns to render only.
    renderer: new Renderer(),

var_dump($table instanceof TableInterface);
// bool(true)

// Get the name of the table:
// string(8) "products"

With Methods

You might change some data or implentation by the following "with methods" returning a new instance.


use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;

$table = new Table('products');

$newTable = $table->withColumns(['sku', 'title']);

var_dump($table === $newTable);
// bool(false)


use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;
use Tobento\Service\Table\Renderer;

$table = new Table('products');

$newTable = $table->withRenderer(new Renderer());

var_dump($table === $newTable);
// bool(false)

Create Rows

Creating rows from array items

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;

$table = new Table('products');

        'sku' => 'shirt',
        'title' => 'Shirt',
        'description' => 'A nice shirt in blue color.',
        'price' => 19.99,
        'sku' => 'cap',
        'title' => 'Cap',
        'description' => 'A nice cap.',
        'price' => 11.99,

Using a callback for creating rows

You may use a callback for creating rows if you provide an array of objects for instance or want to create only specific row columns.

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;
use Tobento\Service\Table\Row;

class Product
    public function __construct(
        protected string $title,
        protected float $price,
    ) {}

    public function title(): string
        return $this->title;
    public function price(): float
        return $this->price;

$table = new Table('products');

    new Product('Shirt', 19.99),
    new Product('Cap', 11.99),  
], function(Row $row, Product $product): void {
    $row->column(key: 'title', text: $product->title());
    $row->column(key: 'price', text: $product->price());

Create only specific row columns from an array of items:

$table = new Table('products');

        'sku' => 'shirt',
        'title' => 'Shirt',
        'description' => 'A nice shirt in blue color.',
        'price' => 19.99,
        'sku' => 'cap',
        'title' => 'Cap',
        'description' => 'A nice cap.',
        'price' => 11.99,
], function(Row $row, array $item): void {
    $row->column(key: 'title', text: $item['title']);
    $row->column(key: 'price', text: $item['price']);

Create Row

Creating a row from an array

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;

$table = new Table('products');

    'sku' => 'shirt',
    'title' => 'Shirt',
    'description' => 'A nice shirt in blue color.',
    'price' => 19.99,

Using a callback for creating row columns

You may use a callback for creating row columns if you provide an object.

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;
use Tobento\Service\Table\Row;

class Product
    public function __construct(
        protected string $title,
        protected float $price,
    ) {}

    public function title(): string
        return $this->title;
    public function price(): float
        return $this->price;

$table = new Table('products');

    new Product('Shirt', 19.99),
    function(Row $row, Product $product): void {
        $row->column(key: 'title', text: $product->title())
            ->column(key: 'price', text: $product->price());

Row Methods


You may mark the row as a heading.

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;

$table = new Table('products');

    'title' => 'Title',
    'description' => 'Description',


You may give the row an id to fetch it later.

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;

$table = new Table('products');

    'title' => 'Title',
    'description' => 'Description',

$headerRow = $table->getRow('header');


You may use the each method to create the row columns.

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;
use Tobento\Service\Table\Row;

$item = [
    'sku' => 'shirt',
    'title' => 'Shirt',
    'description' => 'A nice shirt in blue color.',
    'price' => 19.99,

$table = new Table('products');

      ->each($item, function(Row $row, $value, $key): void {
            $row->column($key, $value);      


The when method will execute the given callback when the first argument given to the method evaluates to true.

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;
use Tobento\Service\Table\Row;

$table = new Table('products');

      ->when(true, function(Row $row): void {
          $row->column('actions', 'Actions');


You may mark columns as html, indicating that no escaping is done.

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;

$table = new Table('products');

    'sku' => 'shirt',
    'title' => 'Shirt',
    'description' => '<p>A nice shirt in blue color.</p>',
    'price' => 19.99,

PependHtml / AppendHtml

You may prepend and append html to the row.

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;

$table = new Table('products');

    'sku' => '<input type="text" id="sku" name="sku">',
    'title' => '<input type="text" id="title" name="title">',

Custom Row

You may use the addRow method to pass a custom row.

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;
use Tobento\Service\Table\RowInterface;

$table = new Table('products');

// must implement RowInterface
$customRow = new CustomRow();


Render Table

There are different ways of rendering the table depending on your needs.

Default Renderer

The default renderer generates the table with DIV tags and calculates the columns size automatically.

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;
use Tobento\Service\Table\Renderer;

$table = new Table(
    name: 'products',
    renderer: new Renderer(),

    'sku' => 'Sku',
    'title' => 'Title',
    'description' => 'Description',
    'price' => 'Price',

    'sku' => 'shirt',
    'title' => 'Shirt',
    'description' => 'A nice shirt in blue color.',
    'price' => 19.99,

echo $table;


<div class="table">
    <div class="table-row th">
        <div class="table-col grow-1">Sku</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-1">Title</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-2">Description</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-1">Price</div>
    <div class="table-row">
        <div class="table-col grow-1">shirt</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-1">Shirt</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-2">A nice shirt in blue color.</div>
        <div class="table-col grow-1">19.99</div>

Custom Renderer

You might write your own renderer fitting your application.

use Tobento\Service\Table\Table;
use Tobento\Service\Table\TableInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Table\RendererInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Table\Str;

class CustomRenderer implements RendererInterface
    public function render(TableInterface $table): string
        if (empty($table->getRows())) {
            return '';
        $html = '<table>';
        foreach($table->getRows() as $row)
            if (empty($row->getColumns())) {
            $html .= '<tr>';
            if ($row->prependedHtml()) {
                $html .= $row->prependedHtml();
            foreach($row->getColumns() as $column)
                $text = $row->isHtml($column->key())
                    ? $column->text()
                    : Str::esc($column->text());
                if ($row->isHeading()) {
                    $html .= '<th>'.$text.'</th>';
                } else {
                    $html .= '<td>'.$text.'</td>';
            if ($row->appendedHtml()) {
                $html .= $row->appendedHtml();
            $html .= '</tr>';
        $html .= '</table>';
        return $html;

$table = new Table(
    name: 'products',
    renderer: new CustomRenderer(),
