
The slugifier service provides interfaces to convert a string into a slug.

1.0.0 2024-09-04 08:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 09:15:44 UTC


The slugifier service provides interfaces to convert a string into a slug with a default implementation.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the Slugifier service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-slugifier


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design
  • Creating custom slugifier to fit your requirements


Basic Usage

Creating Slugifier

You may use the SlugifierFactory to easily create a slugifier.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugifierFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugifierInterface;

$slugifier = (new SlugifierFactory())->createSlugifier();

var_dump($slugifier instanceof SlugifierInterface);
// bool(true)

Creating Custom Slugifier

You may use the Slugifier class to build a custom slugifier by using the Available Modifiers.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifiers;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Slugifier;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugifierInterface;

$slugifier = new Slugifier(
    modifiers: new Modifiers(
        new Modifier\StripTags(),

        // locale specific dictionaries:
        new Modifier\Dictionary\English(),
        new Modifier\Dictionary\German(),
        new Modifier\Dictionary\French(),
        new Modifier\Dictionary\Italian(),
        // supports all locales, acts as a fallback:
        new Modifier\Dictionary\Latin(),

        new Modifier\Lowercase(),
        new Modifier\Trim(),
        new Modifier\AlphaNumOnly(separator: '-'),
        new Modifier\Trim('-'),
        // removes repeated separators like -- to -:
        new Modifier\Regex(pattern: '#-+#', separator: '-'),
        new Modifier\LimitLength(250),

var_dump($slugifier instanceof SlugifierInterface);
// bool(true)

Generating Slugs

Use the slugify method to generate a slug from the given string.

$slug = $slugifier->slugify('Hello World!');
// string(11) "hello-world"

Available Modifiers

Alpha Num Only Modifier

This modifier replaces non-alpha-num characters with the defined separator.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\AlphaNumOnly;

$modifier = new AlphaNumOnly(
    separator: '-', // default

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'lorem ipsum!',
    locale: 'en'

// string(12) "lorem-ipsum-"

Limit Length Modifier

This modifier limits a string to the defined length.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\LimitLength;

$modifier = new LimitLength(
    length: 10, // default 255

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'Some very long string ...',
    locale: 'en'

// string(10) "Some very "

Lowercase Modifier

This modifier make a string lowercase.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\Lowercase;

$modifier = new Lowercase(
    // you may change the encoding:
    encoding: null, // 'UTF-8'

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'Lorem Ipsum',
    locale: 'en'

// string(11) "lorem ipsum"

Modify Modifier

Use this modifier to create a custom modifier using a callable.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\Modify;

$modifier = new Modify(
    modifier: fn (string $string, string $locale): string => strtoupper($string),
    // you may set the supported locales:
    supportedLocales: ['de', 'de-CH'],
    // or you may use an asterisk as a wildcard:
    // supportedLocales: ['de*', 'fr*'],
    // or empty all supported (default):
    // supportedLocales: [],

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'Lorem Ipsum',
    locale: 'de'

// string(11) "LOREM IPSUM"

Prevent Dublicate Modifier

This modifier prevents dublicate slugs. This modifier should be added last!

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\PreventDublicate;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Slugs;

$modifier = new PreventDublicate(
    slugs: new Slugs(
        new Resource\ArrayResource(['login', 'register']),
    // you may change the separator:
    separator: '-', // default

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'login',
    locale: 'en'

// string(7) "login-1"

You may check out the Slugs section to learn more about it.

Regex Modifier

Use this modifier to modify the given string using the defined pattern.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\Regex;

$modifier = new Regex(
    pattern: '#-+#',
    // you may change the separator:
    separator: '-', // default
    // you may set the supported locales:
    supportedLocales: ['de', 'de-CH'],
    // or you may use an asterisk as a wildcard:
    // supportedLocales: ['de*', 'fr*'],
    // or empty all supported (default):
    // supportedLocales: [],

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'Lorem--Ipsum',
    locale: 'de'

// string(11) "Lorem-Ipsum"

Replace Modifier

This modifier replaces the defined replace list from the given string.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\Replace;

$modifier = new Replace(
    replace: ['ö' => 'oe'],
    // you may set the supported locales:
    supportedLocales: ['de', 'de-CH'],
    // or you may use an asterisk as a wildcard:
    // supportedLocales: ['de*', 'fr*'],
    // or empty all supported (default):
    // supportedLocales: [],

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'schönes Wetter',
    locale: 'de'

// string(15) "schoenes Wetter"

Strip Tags Modifier

This modifier strip tags from the given string.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\StripTags;

$modifier = new StripTags();

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: '<p>lorem ipsum</p>',
    locale: 'en'

// string(11) "lorem ipsum"

Trim Modifier

This modifier strip tags from the given string.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\Trim;

$modifier = new Trim(
    // you may set the characters to trim:
    chars: '-', // default null

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: '-lorem ipsum-',
    locale: 'en'

// string(11) "lorem ipsum"


English Dictionary Modifier

This modifier uses the english dictionary for replacements on locales starting with en.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\Dictionary\English;

$modifier = new English(
    // you may set whether to use the words dictionary:
    withWords: true, // default
    // you may change the words separator:
    separator: '', // '-' is default

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'Blue & green',
    locale: 'en'

// string(14) "Blue and green"

French Dictionary Modifier

This modifier uses the french dictionary for replacements on locales starting with fr.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\Dictionary\French;

$modifier = new French(
    // you may set whether to use the words dictionary:
    withWords: true, // default
    // you may change the words separator:
    separator: '', // '-' is default

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'Bleu & vert',
    locale: 'fr'

// string(14) "Bleu et vert"

German Dictionary Modifier

This modifier uses the german dictionary for replacements on locales starting with de.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\Dictionary\German;

$modifier = new German(
    // you may set whether to use the words dictionary:
    withWords: true, // default
    // you may change the words separator:
    separator: '', // '-' is default

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'Blau & grün',
    locale: 'de'

// string(14) "Blau und gruen"

Italian Dictionary Modifier

This modifier uses the italian dictionary for replacements on locales starting with it.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\Dictionary\Italian;

$modifier = new Italian(
    // you may set whether to use the words dictionary:
    withWords: true, // default
    // you may change the words separator:
    separator: '', // '-' is default

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'Blu & verde',
    locale: 'it'

// string(11) "Blu e verde"

Latin Dictionary Modifier

This modifier uses the latin dictionary for replacements on all locales.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Modifier\Dictionary\Latin;

$modifier = new Latin();

$string = $modifier->modify(
    string: 'Blau & grün',
    locale: 'en'

// string(12) "Blau & gruen"

Custom Modifier

You may create a custom modifier by implementing the ModifierInterface:

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\ModifierInterface;

class CustomModifier implements ModifierInterface
     * Returns the modified string.
     * @param string $string
     * @param string $locale
     * @return string The modified string
    public function modify(string $string, string $locale): string
        // do any modification:
        return $string;


You may use the Slugs class to check if a slug exists to prevent dublicate slugs.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Slugs;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugsInterface;

$slugs = new Slugs(
    new Resource\ArrayResource(['login', 'register']),

var_dump($slugs instanceof SlugsInterface);
// bool(true)


You may use the addResource method to add resources.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Slugs;

$slugs = new Slugs();
$slugs->addResource(new Resource\ArrayResource(['login', 'register']));


Use the exists method to check whether a slug exists or not.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Slugs;

$slugs = new Slugs(
    new Resource\ArrayResource(['login', 'register'], ['en']),

var_dump($slugs->exists(slug: 'login', locale: 'en'));
// bool(true)

var_dump($slugs->exists(slug: 'login', locale: 'de'));
// bool(false)


Use the findSlug method which returns a single slug by the specified parameters or null if not found.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Resource;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Slugs;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugInterface;

$slugs = new Slugs(
    new Resource\ArrayResource(['login', 'register'], ['en']),

$slug = $slugs->findSlug(slug: 'login', locale: 'en');
var_dump($slug instanceof SlugInterface);
// bool(true)

// string(5) "login"

// string(2) "en"

// NULL or string

// NULL or string|int

var_dump($slugs->findSlug(slug: 'login', locale: 'de'));

Available Resources

Array Resource

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Resource\ArrayResource;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugInterface;

$resource = new ArrayResource(
    slugs: ['login', 'register'],
    // you may set the supported locales:
    supportedLocales: ['en', 'en-GB'],
    // or you may use an asterisk as a wildcard:
    // supportedLocales: ['en*'],
    // or empty all supported (default):
    // supportedLocales: [],
    // you may set a resource key:
    key: 'routes',
    // you may change the priority (highest first):
    priority: 1500, // 1000 is default

var_dump($resource->slugExists(slug: 'login', locale: 'en'));
// bool(true)

$slug = $resource->findSlug(slug: 'login', locale: 'en');
var_dump($slug instanceof SlugInterface);
// bool(true)

Custom Resource

You may create a custom resource by implementing the ResourceInterface:

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\ResourceInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Slug;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugInterface;

class BlogResource implements ResourceInterface
    public function __construct(
        protected BlogRepositoryInterface $blogRepository
    ) {}
     * Returns true if the given slug exists, otherwise false.
     * @param string $slug
     * @param string $locale
     * @return bool
    public function slugExists(string $slug, string $locale = 'en'): bool
        return $this->blogRepository->hasSlug($slug, $locale);
     * Returns a single slug by the specified parameters or null if not found.
     * @param string $slug
     * @param string $locale
     * @return null|SlugInterface
    public function findSlug(string $slug, string $locale = 'en'): null|SlugInterface
        $blog = $this->blogRepository->findBySlug($slug, $locale);
        if (is_null($blog)) {
            return null;
        return new Slug(
            slug: $slug,
            locale: $locale,
            resourceKey: $this->key(),
            resourceId: $blog->id(),
     * Returns the key.
     * @return null|string
    public function key(): null|string
        return 'blog';
     * Returns the priority.
     * @return int
    public function priority(): int
        return 100;


You may use the Slugifiers class to add multiple slugifiers for later usage.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugifierFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugifierFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugifierInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\Slugifiers;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugifiersInterface;

$slugifiers = new Slugifiers([
    'default' => new SlugifierFactory(), // SlugifierFactoryInterface|SlugifierInterface

var_dump($slugifiers instanceof SlugifiersInterface);
// bool(true)


You may prefer the add method to add a slugifier.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugifierFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugifierFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugifierInterface;

    name: 'foo',
    slugifier: new SlugifierFactory(), // SlugifierFactoryInterface|SlugifierInterface


Use the has method to check whether a slugifier exists or not.

var_dump($slugifiers->has(name: 'foo'));
// bool(false)


Use the get method to get a slugifier. If the slugifier does not exist a fallback slugifier is returned.

use Tobento\Service\Slugifier\SlugifierInterface;

$slugifier = $slugifiers->get(name: 'foo');

var_dump($slugifier instanceof SlugifierInterface);
// bool(true)


The names method returns all slugifier names.

// array(2) { [0]=> string(7) "default" [1]=> string(3) "foo" }
