
1.0.0 2021-06-30 15:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:48:43 UTC


The Sanitizer Service provides an easy way to sanitize user input.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the sanitizer service running this command.

composer require tobento/service-sanitizer


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design
  • Extendable
  • Nested value support
  • Customize filters parsing

Simple Example

Here is a simple example of how to use the Sanitizer Service.

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer();

// sanitize a single value.
$sanitized = $sanitizer->sanitizing('<p>lorem ipsum</p>', 'cast:string|stripTags|ucwords');

// sanitize multiple values.
$sanitized = $sanitizer->sanitize(
        'name' => 'Thomas',
        'birthday' => '1982-10-30',
        'description' => 'Lorem ipsum',
        'name' => 'cast:string',
        'birthday' => 'date:Y-m-d:d.m.Y',
        'description' => 'cast:string|stripTags',



Single value

Easily sanitize a single value.

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer();

$sanitized = $sanitizer->sanitizing('<p>lorem ipsum</p>', 'stripTags|ucwords');

var_dump($sanitized); // string(11) "Lorem Ipsum"

Multiple values

Sanitize multiple values.

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer();

$sanitized = $sanitizer->sanitize(
        'name' => 'Thomas',
        'birthday' => '1982-10-30',
        'description' => 'Lorem ipsum',
        'name' => 'cast:string',
        'birthday' => 'date:Y-m-d:d.m.Y',
        'description' => 'cast:string|stripTags',

    [name] => Thomas
    [birthday] => 30.10.1982
    [description] => Lorem ipsum

Nested values

If the incoming values contains "nested" data, you may specify these attributes in your filters using "dot" syntax:

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer();

$sanitized = $sanitizer->sanitize(
        'title' => 'Title',
        'author' => [
            'name' => 'Tom',
            'description' => 'Lorem ipsum',
        'name' => 'cast:string',
        '' => 'cast:string',
        'author.description' => 'cast:string|stripTags',

Using array for filters

Depending on the FiltersParsers implementation you may need to set the filters by an array as a parameter might need the parsing notation such as ":".

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer();

$sanitized = $sanitizer->sanitizing(
        'date' => ['Y-m-d', 'Y.m.d H:i']

var_dump($sanitized); // string(11) "30.10.1982 19:30"

Strict sanitation

If strict sanitation is used, filters will be applied even if the data does not exist.

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer();

$sanitized = $sanitizer->sanitize(
        'name' => 'Thomas',
        'age' => 'cast:int:21',
    strictSanitation: true,

    [name] => Thomas
    [age] => 21

Sanitized data only

Sometimes it might be useful to get only the sanitized data:

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer();

$sanitized = $sanitizer->sanitize(
        'name' => 'Thomas',
        'age' => 'cast:int:21',
    strictSanitation: true,
    returnSanitizedOnly: true,

    [age] => 21

$sanitized = $sanitizer->sanitize(
        'name' => 'Thomas',
        'age' => 'cast:int:21',
    strictSanitation: false,
    returnSanitizedOnly: true,



Default filters

The following filters are available out of the box:

Filter Parameters Description
cast:int:12 int, float, string, bool, array Casts a value into the given type. You might define a default value as the second parameter. This works only on strict sanitation though.
date:Y-m-d:d.m.Y Any DateTime formats Formats the date from given to the target format.
remove:foo:bar As many as you want Removes the parameters set from an array.
trim Trims a string.
digit Get only digit characters.
alphaStrict Get only alpha characters [a-zA-Z].
stripTags Strips any tags.
ucwords Uppercase the first character of each word in a string.
lcfirst Make a string's first character uppercase.
lowercase Make a string lowercase.
uppercase Make a string uppercase.
array ['cast:string', 'cast:int'] Filters each array data. You must use array syntax for filters. The second parameter is optional and would be the filters for the array keys.
filterIf:attribute:value Applies filters if an attribute exactly matches the value.

⚠️ Some filters like stripTags return the original value if the type is not a string. So you might add the cast:string filter in addition.

Custom Default Filters

If you want to set your own default filters you can do it by the following way:

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;
use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\SanitizerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\FiltersInterface;

class CustomDefaultFilters implements FiltersInterface
     * Add the filters to the sanitizer.
     * @param SanitizerInterface $sanitizer
     * @return void
    public function addFilters(SanitizerInterface $sanitizer): void
        $sanitizer->addFilter('cast', new \Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Filter\Cast());        

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer(new CustomDefaultFilters());

Adding filters

You can add your own filters by the following way. If the same filter key already exists it will overwrite the filter.

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;
use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\FilterInterface;

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer();

// By a callable.
$sanitizer->addFilter('trim', function(mixed $value, array $parameters): mixed
    return is_string($value) ? trim($value) : $value;

// By a class implementing the FilterInterface.
class TrimFilter implements FilterInterface
     * Apply the filter.
     * @param mixed $value The value to sanitize
     * @param array $parameters The parameters set on the sanitation 'filter:foo:bar'
     * @throws FilterException If filter cannot handle sanitation
     * @return mixed The sanitized value
    public function apply(mixed $value, array $parameters = []): mixed
        return is_string($value) ? trim($value) : $value;

$sanitizer->addFilter('trim', new TrimFilter());

A note on FilterIf

The "filterIf" filter applies filters only if a value matches the given condition.

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer();

$sanitized = $sanitizer->sanitize(
        'country' => 'CH',
        'phone' => '+41 76 123 45 67',
        // filter phone only if country value is "CH"
        'phone' => 'filterIf:country:CH|digit',
    returnSanitizedOnly: true,

// array(1) { ["phone"]=> string(11) "41761234567" }

You can easily add more FilterIf conditions by extending FilterIf class:

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;
use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Filter\FilterIf;
use Tobento\Service\Collection\Collection;

// Filter only if the attributes defined are present.
class FilterIfPresent extends FilterIf
     * Apply the filter.
     * @param mixed $value The value to sanitize
     * @param array $parameters The parameters set on the sanitation 'filter:foo:bar'
     * @throws FilterException If filter cannot handle sanitation
     * @return mixed The sanitized value
    public function apply(mixed $value, array $parameters = []): mixed
        // extract value and data.
        [$value, $data] = $value;
        if (! $data instanceof Collection)
            return false;
        return $data->has($parameters);

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer();
$sanitizer->addFilter('filterIfPresent', new FilterIfPresent());

$sanitized = $sanitizer->sanitize(
        'country' => 'CH',
        'locale' => 'de-CH',
        'phone' => '+41 76 123 45 67',
        // filter phone only if country and locale is present.
        'phone' => 'filterIfPresent:country:locale|digit',

    [country] => CH
    [locale] => de-CH
    [phone] => 41761234567

Parsing filters

You may change the behaviour of parsing the filters for sanitizing.

use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\Sanitizer;
use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\FiltersParserInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Sanitizer\ParsedFilter;

class CustomParser implements FiltersParserInterface
     * Parses the filters.
     * @param string|array
     * @return array The parsed filters [ParsedFilter, ...]
    public function parse(string|array $filters): array
        // do your parsing strategy
        $parsedFilters = [];
        return $parsedFilters;

$sanitizer = new Sanitizer(filtersParser: new CustomParser());
