
Toast PSR-6-compatible cache module

0.5.2 2025-02-28 14:42 UTC


Caching module for the Toast test framework

Why would a testing framework need caching, you might ask? Well, sometimes a particular piece of code does something that isn't that easily otherwise checked (e.g. sending a mail), or if you write acceptance tests you might need a way to check if the external server did something correctly. The module is called cache because it's fully PSR-16 compliant, but you really should think of it more as a shared pool you can access for temporary storage while running a test scenario.


Using composer (recommended)

composer require toast/cache


  • Download or clone the repository somewhere;
  • Register /path/to/cache/src for the Toast\Cache namespace in your autoloader.

Initialising a cache pool

Create a new Toast\Cache\Cache object like so:


use Toast\Cache\Cache;

$cache = new Cache('/path/to/storage');

Alternatively, the cache can also be accessed as a singleton:


use Toast\Cache\Cache;

$pool = Cache::getInstance('/path/to/storage');

This is escpecially handy when sharing throughout tests; although as long as the path stays the same, the cache will reload existing data regardless.

Note that you can instantiate multiple, sandboxed caches using different paths.

Storing and retrieving items in the cache

Anything serializable can be stored in the cache using set or setMultiple:


use Toast\Cache\Cache;

$someVariable = 'I need to be cached!';

$pool = Cache::getInstance('/path/to/storage');
$pool->save('some-unique-key', $someVariable);
$pool->has('some-unique-key'); // true

// ...somewhere else in your code...

$item = Cache::getInstance('/path/to/storage')->get('some-unique-key');
echo $item; // string "I need to be cached!"


PSR-16 allows cached items to define an optional Time To Live (TTL). Since this does not make any sense in the context of unit testing, the parameter is ignored.