
Use Amazon's MWS web services with Laravel 5.x. Based on creacoon/amazon-mws-laravel package and modified to make it compatible with latest Laravel releases (+ bugfixes).

v5.0.4 2021-01-13 09:11 UTC


Build Status StyleCI

Amazon MWS for Laravel


A Laravel 5 package to connect to Amazon's Merchant Web Services (MWS).

This is NOT for Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Cloud Computing Services.

This package was forked from: with fix some bugs and add more about:

  • setConfig
  • AmazonShipment
  • AmazonTransport
  • AmazonTransportDocument
  • OrderXXX


Install the package using composer require toancong/amazon-mws-laravel.

For Laravel 5.5 and up, the package will be automatically discovered. For other versions, you can add KeithBrink\AmazonMws\MwsServiceProvider to your config/app.php file.

Run php artisan vendor:publish keithbrink/amazon-mws-laravel to add the amazon-mws.php config file to your config directory.


The general work flow for using one of the objects is this:

  1. Create an object for the task you need to perform.
  2. Load it up with parameters, depending on the object, using set____ methods.
  3. Submit the request to Amazon. The methods to do this are usually named fetch____ or submit____ and have no parameters.
  4. Reference the returned data, whether as single values or in bulk, using get____ methods.
  5. Monitor the performance of the library using the built-in logging system.

Note that if you want to act on more than one Amazon store, you will need a separate object for each store.

Also note that the objects perform best when they are not treated as reusable. Otherwise, you may end up grabbing old response data if a new request fails.

If you want to learn how to use a specific function, the best way is to read the comments above the function; they are detailed and helpful.

Dynamic Config

If you would like to change the configuration info used in an Amazon call to something other than the info in the config file, you can add the setConfig($config) function to any call. The $config parameter should be an array following this template:

$config = [
    'merchantId' => '',
    'marketplaceId' => '',
    'keyId' => '',
    'secretKey' => '',
    'amazonServiceUrl' => '',

Example Usage

Here are a couple of examples of the library in use.

Here is an example of a function used to get all warehouse-fulfilled orders from Amazon updated in the past 24 hours:

use KeithBrink\AmazonMws\AmazonOrderList;

function getAmazonOrders() {
    $amz = new AmazonOrderList("myStore"); //store name matches the array key in the config file
    $amz->setLimits('Modified', "- 24 hours");
    $amz->setFulfillmentChannelFilter("MFN"); //no Amazon-fulfilled orders
        array("Unshipped", "PartiallyShipped", "Canceled", "Unfulfillable")
        ); //no shipped or pending
    $amz->setUseToken(); //Amazon sends orders 100 at a time, but we want them all
    return $amz->getList();

This example shows a function used to send a previously-created XML feed to Amazon to update Inventory numbers, and includes an example of a dynamic config:

use KeithBrink\AmazonMws\AmazonFeed;

function sendInventoryFeed($feed) {
    $config = [
        'merchantId' => '',
        'marketplaceId' => '',
        'keyId' => '',
        'secretKey' => '',
        'amazonServiceUrl' => '',

    $amz = new AmazonFeed("myStore"); //store name matches the array key in the config file
    $amz->setFeedType("_POST_INVENTORY_AVAILABILITY_DATA_"); //feed types listed in documentation
    return $amz->getResponse();


This package was forked from:

which was forked from:

which was forked from:

which was forked from:

who is the original creator of this package.