
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.0.2) of this package.

v1.0.2 2024-04-26 15:05 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-26 15:06:15 UTC


Data validation plugin for Tnapf.


composer require tnapf/validation

Array Structured Validations


use Tnapf\Validation\FilterVar;
use Tnapf\Validation\MaxLength;
use Tnapf\Validation\MinLength;
use Tnapf\Validation\Regex;
use function Tnapf\Validation\validateArray;

$data = [
    'name' => 'John Doe$$',
    'email' => 'malformed-email'

$errors = validateArray([
    'name' => [
        new Regex('Name must only container letters.', '/^[a-zA-Z ]+$/'),
        new MaxLength('Name cannot exceed {max} characters.', 255),
        new MinLength('Name is required.', 0)
    'email' => [
        new FilterVar('Email is not valid.', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL),
        new MaxLength('Email cannot exceed {max} characters.', 255),
        new MinLength('Email is required.', 0)
], $data);


Object Structured Validations

$errors = validateModel(new class {
    #[Regex('Name must only container letters.', '/^[a-zA-Z ]+$/')]
    #[MaxLength('Name cannot exceed {max} characters.', 255)]
    #[MinLength('Name is required.', 0)]
    public string $name;

    #[FilterVar('Email is not valid.', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)]
    #[MaxLength('Email cannot exceed {max} characters.', 255)]
    #[MinLength('Email is required.', 0)]
    public string $email;
}, [
    'name' => 'John Doe$$',
    'email' => 'malformed-email'


// or you can pass in a prefilled object

$model = new class {
    #[Regex('Name must only container letters.', '/^[a-zA-Z ]+$/')]
    #[MaxLength('Name cannot exceed {max} characters.', 255)]
    #[MinLength('Name is required.', 0)]
    public string $name;

    #[FilterVar('Email is not valid.', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)]
    #[MaxLength('Email cannot exceed {max} characters.', 255)]
    #[MinLength('Email is required.', 0)]
    public string $email;

$model->name = 'John Doe$$';
$model->email = 'malformed-email';

$errors = validateModel($model, []);


Getting validators from models

use function Tnapf\Validation\getValidators;

$validators = getValidators(new class {
    #[Regex('Name must only container letters.', '/^[a-zA-Z ]+$/')]
    #[MaxLength('Name cannot exceed {max} characters.', 255)]
    #[MinLength('Name is required.', 0)]
    public string $name;

    #[FilterVar('Email is not valid.', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)]
    #[MaxLength('Email cannot exceed {max} characters.', 255)]
    #[MinLength('Email is required.', 0)]
    public string $email;