
Enhances database testing with SQLite in-memory engine.

dev-master 2017-11-11 20:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-12-16 12:00:53 UTC



This package helps with speeding up database tests making use of SQLite in-memory engine. It takes care of creating and scoping db connections and helps managing schemas.

Suggested approaches

Using SQLite in-memory engine makes possible to have multiple databases (and thus schemas) at the same time so it makes sense to distinguish globally scoped connection and test case scoped connections. Global one would be fine for regular purposes when working with relatively stable schemas. And connections limited to specific test cases are ok as some sort of sandboxing or when schema is expected to be changed frequently by the code tested.

Test cases with global connection

Only single global connection is supported by now. Connection's db schema should be created in --bootstrap file and look like:

// ...
function bootstrapDbSchema(){
    // retrieving instances of connectors' pool and sql statements runner
    $pool = \Tiny\DbUnit\ConnectionManagement\ConnectorsPoolSingletonDecorator::getInstance();
    $sqlRunner = \Tiny\DbUnit\SqlRunners\SqlRunnerSingletonDecorator::getInstance();

    // getting PDO connection
    $sqliteInMemoryConnector = $pool->getInMemoryConnector();
    $pdo = $sqliteInMemoryConnector->getPdo();

    // running schema sql which can be a plain string with all statements or 
    // absolute filepath to the file with SQL instructions
    // $sql = realpath(__DIR__.'/schema-sqlite.sql');
    $sqlRunner->run($pdo, $sql);

// ...

The test case would look like:

class GlobalConnectionTest extends \Tiny\DbUnit\AbstractDbUnitTestCase
    // this class inherits protected property of $pdo
    // from parent \Tiny\DbUnit\AbstractDbUnitTestCase

    public function setUp(){
        // preparing a connection, please note that it should go first 
        // so parent setUp runs with connection in place

    // please note no getConnection() method defined
    // it is already implemented in  \Tiny\DbUnit\AbstractDbUnitTestCase
    // use of PHPUnit's regular functionality to set up the data
    protected function getDataSet() {
        return new \PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_ArrayDataSet([
            'tbl' => [
                ['id' => 1, 'value' => 'whatever'],
                ['id' => 2, 'value' => 'yet whatever']
    public function testRowCount(){
        $this->assertEquals(2, $this->getConnection()->getRowCount('tbl'));
    public function testDataSetUp(){
                ['id' => 1, 'value' => 'whatever'], 
                $this->getConnection()->createQueryTable('tbl', 'SELECT * FROM tbl;'));
    public function testQueringPdo(){
        $result = $this->pdo->query('SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id = 2;', \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $row = $result->fetchAll()[0];
        $this->assertEquals(['id' => 2, 'value' => 'yet whatever'], $row);

Test cases with scoped connection

When doing test case scoped connections no special bootstrapping is needed, everything happens within the test case. The following example presumes there is an SQL file exists on path ./sql-files/users.sql (relatively to test case file) with contents:

class TestCaseScopeConnectionTest extends \Tiny\DbUnit\AbstractDbUnitTestCase
    // setUpBeforeClass is the place to call createTestCaseConnection() method
    public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
        parent::setUpBeforeClass(); // don't forget parent
    protected function getDataSet() {
        return new \PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_ArrayDataSet([
            'users' =>[
                ['id' => 1, 'login' => 'login-1', 'password_hash' => 'abcdefg'],
                ['id' => 2, 'login' => 'login-2', 'password_hash' => 'gfedcba']
    public function setUp(){
        // still need to say what connector to use for each test
    public function testTableIsFilled(){
        $this->assertEquals(2, $this->getConnection()->getRowCount('users'));
    public function testNoOtherTablesExist(){
        // again please note $this->pdo field coming from parent \Tiny\DbUnit\AbstractDbUnitTestCase
        $result = $this->pdo->query("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'  AND name NOT LIKE '%sqlite%';", \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $tables = array_column($result->fetchAll(), 'name');
        $this->assertCount(1, $tables);
        $this->assertEquals('users', $tables[0]);

API provided

TestCase methods

\Tiny\DbUnit\AbstractDbUnitTestCase subclasses PHPUnit's \PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_TestCase. There is no specific testing API added except for connections and schemas configuring purposes.

self::beforeClassSql($sql) // SQL as string or filepath to .sql

Used in setUpBeforeClass() to run SQL needed to be executed before all tests in current test case.


Used in setUpBeforeClass() to make separate connection for current test case only.

self::afterClassSql($sql); // SQL as string or filepath to .sql

Used in tearDownAfterClass() to run SQL needed to be executed after all tests in current test case.


Used in setUp() to set up each test with connection

$this->runSql($sql); // SQL as string or filepath to .sql 

Used in setUp(), tearDown(), or even any test method to run SQL.

$sql arguments given as filepaths can be provided as absolute or relative (to test case) paths to SQL files. Besides, they can be provided as lists or arrays or a combination. So all examples below are valid:

$this->runSql('../sample-table-schema.sql', './another-table-schema.sql');
$this->runSql(['../sample-table-schema.sql', './another-table-schema.sql']);
$this->runSql('../sample-table-schema.sql', [
    'CREATE TABLE table1 (id INTEGER);',

Special objects

There are also 2 globally accessible objects:

Connectors pool

implemented as singleton


+ static getInstance()

+ getInMemoryConnector() passing no arguments will always return same connector

SQL queries runner

implemented as singleton


+ static getInstance()

+ run($pdo, $sql) seem to be self-explanatory enough



Since SQLite in-memory engine will keep the whole database in memory so no disk operations will be involved. At first this might seem no big difference since no huge datasets are usually used for testing. But actually each test method is supported by lots of truncating and inserting to set up and tear down. Using SQLite in-memory engine can really speed up testing process.


SQLite in-memory makes possible having multiple connections at the same time. Every database related to each connection is distinct from every other. That gives a lot of freedom to play around with schemas while developing.


SQLite has some limitations and constraints concerning SQL abilities and data types. So if application depends heavily on any features unsupported by SQLite then testing with targeted database seems to be more appropriate option.

In-memory database's schema is not persisted anywhere and is gone when connection gets closed. So schema management has to be performed and there seem to exist no options other than having SQL's hardcoded somewhere or (better) stored in files. Basically, be ready for no GUI such as phpMyAdmin to develop and maintain schemas.

SQLite SQL dialect differs a bit from others. So some effort will be needed to port schemas to target database vendors.

Also please beware of current limitation to switch easily from SQLite in-memory to any other engine! This constraint has nothing to do with SQLite itself, it is because current implementation of this package has no such abilites. Still if you decide to use it for db-testing it is highly recommended to make single (or at least just a few) abstract test case classes to have single place to make such changes when needed.
