
A skeleton project to use as a starting point for a new Cherrycake-based project. Cherrycake is a low level programming framework for developing modular, efficient and secure PHP web applications.

dev-master 2021-08-18 18:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 22:20:12 UTC


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Cherrycake skeleton


This is the base skeleton for projects powered by Cherrycake, it is used as the starting point for projects based on Cherrycake.

You can either manually setup a Cherrycake application using this skeleton, or use the automatic docker-based setup.

Manual setup

  • Clone or download this repository.
  • Run composer install to retrieve up-to-date required dependencies.
  • In your Nginx config file, inside your project's server directive, include the Cherrycake nginx config file by adding a line like this (modify the path to suit your structure): include /var/www/html/myproject/vendor/tin-cat/cherrycake/nginx.conf
  • Check out https://cherrycake.io to learn how to create projects with Cherrycake

Automatic docker-based setup

To automatically setup a docker-based server with a working Cherrycake skeleton ready to work, use the Cherrycake Docker repository.

What is Cherrycake?

Cherrycake is a low-level programming framework for developing modular, efficient and secure PHP web applications. Instead of a comprehensive, all-in-one web app building environment, Cherrycake aims only to provide a strong foundational layer and methodology that feels comfortable, rational and easy to use while prioritizing modularity, performance and security.

Official Cherrycake links

Beta statement

Although Cherrycake is still under heavy development and it's considered to still be in a beta stage, it's functional and it's already running some public web applications without issues. It's still not recommended to use Cherrycake in critical, or data sensitive applications. Instead, you're encouraged to try it to see for yourself whether it meets your security and stability requisites, and to contribute your suggestions or improvements via the official git repositories.