
Bundle mixpanel for laravel

dev-master 2015-09-12 09:56 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 16:06:17 UTC


In config.php add Timothylhuillier\LaravelMixpanel\LaravelMixpanelServiceProvider in the provider list and 'LaravelMixpanel' => 'Timothylhuillier\LaravelMixpanel\Facades\LaravelMixpanel' in aliases.

Then in terminal : php artisan config:publish timothylhuillier/laravel-mixpanel and add your token in app/config/package/timothylhuillier/laravel-mixpanel/config.php

In the config package the regex 'userAgent' => '^Mozilla((?!bot).)*$' skips all bot.

Now, to use this package, there is 2 solutions :

  • You can use 'LaravelMixpanel::', ie. LaravelMixpanel::track('Homepage View', ['connected' => false])

But with this solution, mixpanel people is unavailable. Then, I created getInstance().

  • The second solution is to use $mixpanel = LaravelMixpanel::getInstance();

For example :

$mixpanel = LaravelMixpanel::getInstance();
// identifie l'user
// track l'event
$mixpanel->track("Upgraded account");

// MAJ de l'user dans la BDD de mixpanel
$mixpanel->people->set($user->mixpanel_id, array(
    '$name'       => $user->name,
    '$phone'      => $user->tel,
    '$address'    => $user->address,
    '$lat'        => $user->lat,
    '$lng'        => $user->lng,