
Laravel Mail driver that delivers mail to your Slack server

2.0.2 2018-08-20 17:33 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-02 04:17:37 UTC


alt text

Set up


composer require timfeid/slack-laravel-mail

Add TimFeid\SlackLaravelMail\SlackMailServiceProvider::class, to your providers list in your app.php config.



Add the following config to your services.php config file.

    'slackmail' => [
        // The endpoint to your webhook
        'endpoint' => env('SLACKMAIL_ENDPOINT', 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/..../....'),
        // The driver for which you would like to store emails
        // Drivers are 'cache' and 'file' for now
        'driver' => env('SLACKMAIL_DRIVER', 'cache'),
        // Cache settings, will always use your default cache driver for now
        'cache' => [
            // Remove if you would not like to use cache()->tags()
            'tag' => 'slack-mail',
            // Time you want to keep emails for in minutes
            'ttl' => 60,
        'file' => [
            // File location you would like to save your emails
            'location' => storage_path('/mail'),
        // From user for your Slack message
        'from' => 'Emails',
        // Channel you'd like to send your messages to
        // @username to send private messages from @Slackbot
        'channel' => env('SLACKMAIL_TO', '#emails'),
        // Fields you would like to show up in your message
        'fields' => [

Dot File (.env)

As you can probably tell, .env is encouraged for a per-environment setup

    MAIL_DRIVER="slack" # Activate slackmail as your mail driver


Add this route to your routes file. The route can be set up however you'd like, but it must have slackmail as the name ->name('slackmail')

    if (!app()->environment('production')) {
        Route::get('/slack-mail/{name}', '\TimFeid\SlackLaravelMail\Controllers\SlackMailController@slackMail')

Extending the fields

You'll want to create service provider that extends SlackMailServiceProvider and overwrite the registerSlackFields method.


namespace App\Providers;

use App\Services\Slack\SlackFields;
use TimFeid\SlackLaravelMail\SlackMailServiceProvider as BaseProvider;

class SlackMailServiceProvider extends BaseProvider
    public function registerSlackFields()
        $this->app->singleton('slackmail.fields', SlackFields::class);

Example SlackFields class


namespace App\Services\Slack;

use TimFeid\SlackLaravelMail\SlackFields as BaseSlackFields;

class SlackFields extends BaseSlackFields
    public function buildSendgridField()
        return [
            'title' => 'Sendgrid Headers',
            'value' => '```'.json_encode([
                'categories' => $this->message->getCategories(),
                'custom_args' => $this->message->getArguments(),
            ], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT).'```',