
A Symfony bundle for creating dummy data fixtures through Bogus

v1.0.0 2018-10-17 06:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 22:53:54 UTC


The BogusFixturesBundle adds the functionality of tijmen-wierenga/bogus to a Symfony 4 application.

For any questions regarding this bundle, feel free to contact Tijmen Wierenga at t.wierenga@live.nl.


You can install this bundle into your Symfony applications with composer:

composer require tijmen-wierenga/bogus-fixtures-bundle

If you only want to use the bundle in development (a lot of times you'll only use it for testing purposes):

composer require --dev tijmen-wierenga/bogus-fixtures-bundle

If you're using Symfony 3.4 or lower, you'll need to register the bundle as well:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    // ...

    public function registerBundles()
        // For global registration
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new TijmenWierenga\Bundle\BogusFixturesBundle(),

        // For development/testing registration only
        if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
            $bundles[] = new TijmenWierenga\Bundle\BogusFixturesBundle();


Usage instructions for the Bogus library can be find in the project's README.md.

If your Symfony project allows for auto-configuration (3.4 or higher), you can add the following lines to your services.yaml file:

        tags: ['bogus_fixtures.factory']

This will automatically tag any instance of TijmenWierenga\Bogus\Factory\Factory with the bogus_fixtures.factory tag. The factory will be automatically added to the Fixtures base class.

If you prefer you add the labels yourself, or your Symfony application doesn't allow for auto-registration, you can tag individual services:

    tags: ['bogus_fixtures.factory']

For usage in tests the bundle comes with a trait. Use it in your test cases like this:

namespace App\Tests;

use App\Entity\User;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase;
use TijmenWierenga\Bundle\BogusFixturesBundle\Fixtures;

class FixturesTest extends KernelTestCase
    use Fixtures;

    public function setUp()

    public function testItBuildsAFixture()
        $user = $this->fixtures()->create(User::class); // Will generate a User