
Tigren Redis Manager for Magento 2

1.1.3 2022-08-23 07:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-23 12:03:03 UTC


As you might know, Magento 2  supports various types of cache with the aim of improving page loading speed and minimizing resource requirements, especially when there is a high volume of traffics on the site. Besides Memcache and APC which are widely used, Redis has been becoming more and more popular due to its powerful features. On one hand, some caches can be erased by using the default Magento Cache Management, it only helps to clear certain caches owing to key or tag. Moreover, there is no way to delete the sessions. On the other hand, Magento 2 Redis Manager allows the admin to execute flushdb and flushall commands for true cache purging.


What Is Redis Cache?

Redis is an in-memory data structure store that is used in Magento 2 to cache the database leading to reduced database resources and bringing about a stable cache.

When the page is loaded for the first time, a database is queried on the server. Then, Redis will cache the query. Next time, when the user loads the page, there is no more querying request since the results will be given from the Redis.

Here are several powerful features of Redis:

  • Being used for PHP session storage
  • Supporting on-disk save and master/slave replication
  • Allowing multi-database with the same server instance
  • Supporting 3 compression libraries: gzip, lzf, and snappy
  • Restricting coeval lock requests before returning an HTTP 503 (Service Unavailable) error

How To Configure Redis In Magento 2 In A Traditional Way?

To use Redis with Magento 2, you must carry out 3 following complicated steps:

Step 1: Installing and configuring the Redis software

Step 2: Configuring Magento 2 to use Redis

  1. Enable the Cm_RedisSession module.
  2. Modify magento-install-dir/app/etc/local.xml.
  3. Flush the Magento cache on the backend.

Step 3: Installing and Configuring the Redis Server


How Can Magento 2 Redis Manager Module Help?

By using the Magento 2 Redis Manager module, you don't need to remember and run any complex commands but configure Redis and flushing databases at ease on your backend.

Feature Highlights:

  • Deleting cache keys by matched strings
  • Refreshing Redis dashboard every X second(s) automatically
  • Examining usage statistics
  • Synchronizing with Magento flushes
  • Detecting Redis settings for cache, session, full page cache