
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the mews/captcha package instead.

Awesome Captcha for Laravel

v2.0 2015-03-13 21:06 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-05-04 15:31:49 UTC




Edit your composer.json file

Laravel 4

"require": {
  "thytanium/captcha": "1.*"

Laravel 5

"require": {
  "thytanium/captcha": "2.*"

Run composer update to install the package. Then add the following to app.php

'providers' => array(
'aliases' => array(
  'Captcha' => 'Thytanium\Captcha\Facades\Captcha',

Then, you have to publish the configuration file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Thytanium\Captcha\CaptchaServiceProvider"


To use it just put this HTML code in your form next to a text input.

<img src="{{URL::to('captcha')}}">


To validate the entered text into the input, put this in your validation rules:

$rules = [
  'text_input' => 'required|captcha'

Validator::make($rules, Input::all());


You can edit config/captcha.php configuration file to change behavior of captcha.

String length

By default, string length is 6 characters. You can change it to whatever length you want. Remember, you might have to change width also, is not auto-calculated.

'length' => 6

Width and height

By defaut, width and height are 200px x 50px. You can change it to any other size.

'width' => 200,
'height' => 50

Case sensitive

By default case verification is enabled. Change it to false to disable it.

'case_sensitive' => true

Letters case

If you want the captcha to show only upper letters, lower letters or mixed.

'case' => 'upper' //For upper case letters only
'case' => 'lower' //For lower case letters only
'case' => 'mixed' //For both upper and lower case

Show letters/numbers

If you want a captcha with letters only:

'letters' => true,
'numbers' => false

If you want a captcha with numbers only:

'letters' => false,
'numbers' => true

If you want a captcha with both letters and numbers:

'letters' => true,
'numbers' => true

Character angle

By default, character angle is 15. This will generate an captcha with characters angle between 0 and 15 degrees. Change it to whatever you want. If you want the characters in "straight" way, just put this value to 0 (zero).

'angle' => 15


This is separation between characters. Default is 30. The higher the more separated.

'separation' => 30,

Background grid

By default, background shows 20 vertical lines and 5 horizontal lines (one every 10 pixels). You can show as many lines as you want.

'h_lines' => 5, //Horizontal lines
'v_lines' => 20 //Vertical lines


Colors must be provided in RGB notation [rrr,ggg,bbb].

Background color

By default is 250,250,250 (almost white)

'background' => [250, 250, 250]
Line color

By default is 220,220,220 (very light gray)

'line_color' => [220, 220, 220]
Font colors

This is an array of choices. You can add as many colors as you want and the characters will rendered is this colors randomly.

'colors' => [
    [0, 83, 160],
    [33, 125, 211],
    [30, 134, 232],
    [11, 72, 130],
    [13, 119, 219],
    [0, 102, 150],
    [51, 113, 142],


This package works with TrueType (.ttf) fonts.

Four font choices are already provided: Prototype (default), Impact, BrianJames and Spinwerad. All of them thanks to 1001freefonts.

'font' => 'Prototype' //Ignore .ttf extension


'font' => 'Impact' //Ignore .ttf extension


'font' => 'BrianJames' //Ignore .ttf extension


'font' => 'Spinwerad' //Ignore .ttf extension


Font size

By default, font size is 30px. Change it to whatever you want.

'size' => 30

Image quality

By default, and I recommend to keep it that way, image quality is 100.

'quality' => 100,