
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

dev-master 2015-05-25 07:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2017-02-06 09:30:25 UTC


Package contain migrations, seeds and models for Person (HR). Documentation will be written in wiki.



    "thunderid/person": "dev-master"


    composer update
    composer dump-autoload


service provider



  php artisan migrate --path=vendor/thunderid/person/src/migrations

seed (run in mac or linux)

  php artisan db:seed --class=ThunderID\\Person\\seeds\\DatabaseSeeder

seed (run in windows)

  php artisan db:seed --class='\ThunderID\Person\seeds\DatabaseSeeder'

Developer Notes for UI

Table Person

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Document Model:
  • ID : Auto Increment, Integer, PK
  • name : Varchar, 255, Required
  • prefix_title : Varchar, 255, Required
  • suffix_title : Varchar, 255, Required
  • place_of_birth : Varchar, 255, Required
  • date_of_birth : Date, Y-m-d, Required
  • gender : Enum Female or Male, Required
  • password : Varchar, 255
  • avatar :
  • created_at : Timestamp
  • updated_at : Timestamp
  • deleted_at : Timestamp
  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Document Relationship :
  • //this package 1 Relationship belongsToMany { Relatives }

    //other package 3 Relationships belongsToMany { Documents Works Calendars }

    2 Relationships hasMany { Widgets Schedules }

    1 Relationship morphMany { Contacts }

    1 Relationship hasOne { Finger }

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Document Fillable :
  • first_name middle_name last_name nick_name full_name prefix_title suffix_title place_of_birth date_of_birth gender username password avatar

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Document Observe : delete : cannot delete person has contacts or relatives or works

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Document Searchable :
  • id : Search by id, parameter => string, id fullname : Search by fullname, parameter => string, fullname prefixtitle : Search by prefixtitle, parameter => string, prefixtitle suffixtitle : Search by suffixtitle, parameter => string, suffixtitle dateofbirth : Search by dateofbirth, parameter => string, dateofbirth gender : Search by gender, parameter => string, gender withattributes : Search with relationship, parameter => array of relationship (ex : ['relatives'], if relationship is belongsTo then return must be single object, if hasMany or belongsToMany then return must be plural object) currentwork : With active works and branch organisation and applications currentcontact : With default contacts of each type email : Where has email, parameter => email takenworkleave : With special schedule of workleave, parameter : status and ondate checktakenworkleave : Check takenworkleave, same parameter as takenworkleave defaultemail : Get default email experiences : With previous experiences and organisation checkrelation : With relatives, parameter : relative_id checkwork : With works that start after some days, parameter : start date (in english context) checkwidget : Where has widgets that belongsto person checkapps : With application allowed for user, checkresign : With works that end after some days, parameter : end date (in english context) checkwidget : With widgets, parameter : order checkcreate : Search by created_at after some days, parameter : created at (in english context) checkrelative : Take only one relative checkworkleave : Check person workleave in time, paramater : on date groupcontacts : With contacts group by item branchname : Where branch name is like something charttag : Where chart tag is like something fullschedule : Looking for report in single date, parameter -> date on quotas : Looking for report of default workleave qoutas in date range, parameter array -> date ondate minusquotas : Looking for report of additional workleave qoutas in date range, parameter array -> date ondate workleaveid : with person workleave has id, parameter workleave id requireddocuments : With required documents and templates, parameter : order

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Table Relative

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Document Model:
  • ID : Auto Increment, Integer, PK
  • organisation_id : Foreign Key From Organisation, Integer, Required
  • person_id : Foreign Key From Person, Integer, Required
  • relative_id : Foreign Key From Document, Integer, Required
  • created_at : Timestamp
  • updated_at : Timestamp
  • deleted_at : Timestamp
  • /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Document Relationship : //this package 1 Relationship belongsTo { Person } //other package 1 Relationship belongsTo { Organisation } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Document Searchable :
  • id : Search by id, parameter => string, id organisationid : Search by organisation id, parameter => string, organisation_id relativeid : Search by relative id, parameter => string, relative_id personid : Search by person_id, parameter => string, person_id withattributes : Search with relationship, parameter => array of relationship (ex : ['relatives'], if relationship is belongsTo then return must be single object, if hasMany or belongsToMany then return must be plural object)

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------