
SnakeHandler is a PHP package designed to manipulate and execute Python scripts from within PHP. The package allows you to execute Python scripts, process and manage the results.

1.1.0 2024-06-25 07:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 08:14:56 UTC


Snake Charmer is a simple PHP class designed to execute Python scripts conveniently from within a PHP environment. It provides methods to run Python scripts, pass parameters to them, and retrieve the results.


  • Execute Python scripts from PHP with ease.
  • Pass parameters to Python scripts.
  • Retrieve results as strings or arrays.
  • Clear script files and results conveniently.
  • New: Support for saving script execution results to files.
  • New: Methods for switching between memory and file output modes.


You can install Snake Charmer via Composer. Run the following command in your terminal:

composer require thunderbirddeveloper/snakecharmer


Here's a basic example of how to use Snake Charmer:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use ThunderbirdDeveloper\Bifrost\SnakeCharmer;

// Instantiate SnakeCharmer
$snakeCharmer = new SnakeCharmer();

// Set the script file

// Run the script

// Set the new path for another python script directory
$snakeCharmer->setPath(dirname(__DIR__). "/scripts");

// Execute another script from "/scripts"

// Get the result as a string
$result = $snakeCharmer->getResultAsString();
echo $result; // Output the result

Methods available in the SnakeCharmer class


Method setting the path to the directory containing Python scripts.

setScripts($files, $clearResult = true)

Method setting the list of scripts to execute.

run($params = '', $last = false)

Method executing scripts with optional parameters.

getResultAsString($separator = "\n")

Method returning the execution results of scripts as a single string.


Method returning the execution results of scripts as an array.


Method switching the mode of saving script execution results to writing to a file.


Method switching the mode of saving script execution results to writing to memory.

New Features

  • File Output Mode: Snake Charmer can now save the output of script executions to files. Use switchOutputToFile() to enable this mode.
  • Memory Output Mode: Default mode where script results are stored in memory. Use switchOutputToMemory() to enable this mode.
  • FileManager Integration: Manages the saving and retrieval of script execution results in file mode.

Example use cases

You can also add a section describing more complex use cases, such as executing multiple scripts with different parameters, error handling, etc.


  1. Running unit tests

SnakeCharmerTest.php contains unit tests for the SnakeCharmer class.

vendor/bin/phpunit test/SnakeCharmerTest.php
  1. Running simple test

SimpleTest.php is a script that demonstrates how to use the SnakeCharmer class rather than a traditional unit test file.

php test/SimpleTest.php

When running these commands, make sure your unit tests are correctly defined and have all necessary dependencies loaded, including PHPUnit for unit testing.


  • PHP version 7.0 or higher
  • System shell for executing Python scripts.

Changing Snake Charmer Version

If you need to change the version of Snake Charmer, follow these steps:

  1. Edit composer.json file: Open the composer.json file in your project and update the version of Snake Charmer in the require section:
"require": {
    "thunderbirddeveloper/snakecharmer": "^1.0.0"

Update the version number (^1.0.0) according to Semantic Versioning rules (e.g., ^1.0.1 for MINOR update, ^1.1.0 for MAJOR update).

  1. Update the library: Then run Composer to update the library to the new version:
composer update thunderbirddeveloper/snakecharmer


If you need to reinstall Snake Charmer via Composer. Run the following command in your terminal:

composer remove thunderbirddeveloper/snakecharmer


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Damian Łukasik 08.02.2024