
Provides a simple react-driven dialog-modal for the WordPress-backend.

1.0.1 2024-10-15 12:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-19 11:18:47 UTC



This is the successor to WP Easy Dialog. The new name became necessary due to the abbreviations used.


  • wp-easy-dialog => new: easy-dialog


  • composer to install this package.
  • npm to compile the scripts.
  • WordPress-plugin, theme or Code Snippet-plugin to embed them in your project.


  1. composer require threadi/easy-dialog-for-wordpress
  2. Switch to vendor/thread/easy-dialog-for-wordpress
  3. Run npm i to install dependencies.
  4. Run npm run build to compile the scripts.
  5. Add the codes from doc/embed.php to your WordPress-project (plugin or theme).


Any dialog is configured with the following options as array (each is optional):

  • className
    • string with names the modal should become to set individual styles
  • title
    • represents the title as single text
  • texts
    • array of texts for the dialog
    • each entry contains a single string
  • buttons
    • array of buttons for the dialog
    • each entry is an array with following settings:
      • action
        • string of JavaScript to run on click
      • href
        • string for href-attribute on the button
      • variant
        • string to define button-styling
        • possible values:
          • primary
          • secondary
        • this setting is optional
      • className
        • string for additional css-class on the button
      • text
        • string for the button-text
  • hide_title
    • value set to true to hide the title
  • isDismissible
    • value set to true to show X to close the dialog
  • shouldCloseOnClickOutside
    • value set to true to close the dialog on click outside of the dialog
  • shouldCloseOnEsc
    • value set to true to close the dialog via key "esc"



Example 1

$dialog = array(
	'title' => 'My title',
	'texts' => array(
		'<p>My text</p>'
	'buttons' => array(
			'action' => 'alert("ok");',
			'variant' => 'primary',
			'text' => 'Click here'
echo '<a href="#" class="wp-easy-dialog" data-dialog="'.esc_attr(wp_json_encode($dialog)).'">Some link</a>';

Example 2

$dialog = array(
	'title' => 'My title',
	'texts' => array(
		'<p>My text</p>'
	'buttons' => array(
			'action' => 'alert("ok");',
			'variant' => 'primary',
			'text' => 'Click here'

// define dialog settings.
$dialog_settings = array(
    'shouldCloseOnEsc' => true
echo '<a href="#" class="easy-dialog-for-wordpress" data-dialog="'.esc_attr(wp_json_encode($dialog)).'" data-dialog-settings="'.esc_attr(wp_json_encode($dialog_settings)).'">Some link</a>';



let dialog = array(
	'title' => 'My title',
	'texts' => array(
		'<p>My text</p>'
	'buttons' => array(
			'action' => 'alert("ok");',
			'variant' => 'primary',
			'text' => 'Click here'
document.body.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( "easy-dialog-for-wordpress", { detail: dialog } ) );

Custom styles

You can customize the output of the dialog with your custom css.


body.easy-dialog-for-wordpress.wp-core-ui .components-modal__frame.easy-dialog {
 background-color: red;


Which WordPress version is required?

Lowest tested version is WordPress 5.9.

How to simply close the active dialog?

Use this JS-function: closeDialog();

Is it possible to create multiple dialogs on one screen?

No, you will be able to show only 1 dialog at same time.

How to open a new dialog after click on dialog-button?

Call your own function as callback for the button.


'action' => 'open_new_dialog()',
function open_new_dialog() {
 /* define your new dialog */