
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.1.0) of this package.

Installs: 5 030

Dependents: 0

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Security: 0

Stars: 5

Watchers: 4

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0


1.1.0 2023-11-13 10:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-30 12:17:40 UTC


Restrict Fields is a Statamic addon that allows you to restrict fields in the control panel to certain users, groups or roles.

How to Install

Run the following command from your project root:

composer require thoughtco/statamic-restrict-fields

How to Use

Once installed, 3 new custom condition methods become available to use:


Use with a value in the format: restrictUsers:user_id_1,user_id_2


Use with a value in the format: restrictGroups:group_slug_1,group_slug_2


Use with a value in the format: restrictRoles:role_slug_1,role_slug_2

Including superadmins

You may pass super to the restrictGroups and restrictRoles condition methods in order to include superadmins.

Example: restrictGroups:super,group_slug_1,group_slug_2