
PHP helper

1.0.1 2018-04-04 20:44 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-03 18:47:44 UTC


A series of helpful components for building rapid PHP applications.

What's available?

  • Array from dot notation
  • Create php files on demand by using a template or a stub file

How to install?

composer require thonyx/phppods 

Want to see it in action?

Run a test! After installing the package, go to --from within your PHP project-- /vendor/thonyx/phppods and run:

e.g: Convert an array back from a dot notation

composer install && php UndotterTest.php

How to use it?

All available functions are accessible as follows:


Arrray from dot notation

Transform back into a multidimensional array, one with flattened key-value pairs from a "dot" notation.

Before calling the function:


After calling the function

  'name' => 'Yale',
  'timeseries' =>
    2014 =>
      'enrollment' => '1',
      'cost' => '100',
    2015 =>
      'enrollment' => '200',
      'cost' => '200',
  'groups' =>
    'colors' =>
      'default' => '#white',
      'blue' => '#lalala',

When transforming arrays you can specify the format the function call should return the response:

--Available: JSON or ARRAY--

e.g: Return the result as as Json


Filesystem: Create files from a template or stub file


    newFile(__DIR__ . '/tmp/SessionClass.php')
    ->withStub($stubPath = __DIR__ . '/tmp/DummyClass.php', [
        'DummyClass'     => 'SessionClass',
        'DummyTimestamp' => '"2018-01-01"',
        'DummyNamespace' => 'App\\Sessions',