
Generate invoice number, order code, or receipt number easily with dynamic format and pattern for PHP Laravel framework.

v1.0.0 2021-10-04 16:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-16 08:26:11 UTC


This package allows you to generate invoice number dynamically with designated pattern. Current available pattern is:

  • Roman Pattern (INV/20211004/MMXXI/X/IV/12345)
  • Number Pattern (INV2021100412345)

Other patterns is under development ...


  1. Install via composer by running this code on command line inside Laravel project
    composer require thomzee/numbros
  2. Add this line to your app.php file
    'providers' => [
        . . .
  3. Add the facade as well in the same file
    'aliases' => [
        . . .
        'Laramap' => Thomzee\Numbros\Facades\Numbros::class,


Roman Pattern

$numbros = new Numbros();
$numbros->generate('roman', 'inv', '12345');

Number Pattern

$numbros = new Numbros();
$numbros->generate('number', 'inv', '12345', '');


This function contains 5 parameters

  1. Type, should contain pattern type available above
  2. Prefix, e.g.: INV, DSB, ORD, etc
  3. Unique, must be a unique
  4. Separator, can be '/', '-', '', etc to separate sections
  5. Uppercase, determine end result characters case