
Package for generate modules / controllers / forms with Laminas Framework.

0.0.3 2022-02-20 08:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-24 01:02:53 UTC


Do you know Symfony's generating commands ? It's the same, for Laminas Framework :)

install it

Just use composer require thomasleconte/laminas-gen !

Config it

You need to provide this script in your composer.json file for make this lib able to be used.

    "scripts": {
        "laminas-gen": [

Use it

Module generation

composer laminas-gen module <yourModuleName> (By default, this will generate an associated controller for be able to use your module fast as possible. But you can disable it using an optional argument : without-extra. So you can use command like that composer laminas-gen module <yourModuleName> without-extra)

Controller generation

composer laminas-gen controller <yourControllerName> <existingModuleName> (This will generate all associated CRUD views for again, use your controller fast as possible. And you cant disable it ... For the moment 🥱)

Entity generation

composer laminas-gen entity <yourEntityName> <yourModuleName>. You will have to type each properties of your entity. yourEntityName.php and yourEntityNameTable.php files will be generated, with default getters and setters.


composer laminas-gen undo (This will undo all last creations or modifications done by LaminasGen)
composer laminas-gen undo-all (This will undo all creations or modification done since you use it)


When you will have installed this package, you will be able to edit templates in src/Generators/templates/ folder. But keep in mind that you will have limited possibilites, due to number of variables understood by my script. So you can edit the script for make my script understanding your variables :)

Debug it

1 - Run autoload command before work on project : composer dump-autoload -o 2 - Good luck dude.


If you want to use package during debug, add these lines on your test project :

    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "absolute/or/relative/path/to/laminas-gen/folder"

Then, just install it with : composer require thomasleconte/laminas-gen @dev. Take care about @dev, composer uses this to pickup the source code and symlink it to your new package.