
Ascending/descending PriorityQueues. Order maintained for nodes with equal priority on dequeue

v1.0.0 2013-10-02 07:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 18:33:39 UTC


Ascending/descending PriorityQueues. Order maintained for nodes with equal priority on dequeue.


You can install the package using Composer.

  1. Install composer.
  2. Add the following dependency to a composer.json and:
    "require": {
        "thomaslarsson/priorityqueue": "1.0.*"

The package is now installed in your vendor directory.


// Require composer's autoload
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Optional: Alias/import the package's namespace
use ThomasLarsson\PriorityQueue\MinPriorityQueue as MinPriorityQueue,
    ThomasLarsson\PriorityQueue\MaxPriorityQueue as MaxPriorityQueue;

// Create a ascending queue (Use the package's namespace unless you aliased it)
$ascendingQueue = new MinPriorityQueue();

// ... OR a descending queue.
$descendingQueue = new MaxPriorityQueue(); // A decending queue

// Create some data sorted descending (Just to illustrate that it's working)
$ascendingQueue->insert(4, 0);
$ascendingQueue->insert(3, 0);
$ascendingQueue->insert(2, 0);
$ascendingQueue->insert(1, 0);
$ascendingQueue->insert(0, 0);

// Display the sorted result
foreach ( $ascendingQueue as $value )
    echo $value . "\n";

Fixes equal priority sorting bug

ThomasLarsson/PriorityQueue is built on top of SplPriorityQueue. This implementation fixes problems when two or more nodes share a similar priority. The standard SPL-implementation will dequeue equal priority nodes in no particular (random) order, as noted in the manual.


Note: Multiple elements with the same priority will get dequeued in no particular order.