
A laravel CQRS class setup.

1.0.0 2022-10-18 11:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 00:39:42 UTC



Require this package with composer using the following command:

composer require thomasderooij/laravel-cqrs

The package will automaticall register the required service providers.

Optionally, publish the packages config by running

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Thomasderooij\LaravelCqrs\Providers\CqrsServiceProvider"


It's a set of classes to create a clear distinction between commands, or things that write and do stuff, and queries, things that fetch you information.

The setup is simple. Create a command or query. Your constructor should receive the data is needs to complete its task. Any dependencies should also be instantiated here. I personally use singletons, but implement is however you like.

Your commands and queries have 3 protected functions;

  • Run (your actual code)
  • isSatisfied (a function that should check whether you can execute the code)
  • Exception (the exception that will be thrown if isSatisfied returns false)

The traits canCommand and canQuery set up a class to run your commands and queries.

Quick example: You have a command called StoreFileCommand. It takes a file location from your request as a constructor argument.

  • The run function actually moves it to a dedicated directory, and makes a database entry so you can get your file later on.
  • The isSatisfied function checks the file extension, size and other limitations you might want to put on your files.
  • The Exception function returns a new FileTooBig exception to throw when the file is too big.

Your controller says $this->execute(new StoreFileCommand($fileLocation, $targetLocation)); and bam. File is stored. Clean, reusable. Lovely.


php artisan cqrs:command <Class name goes here>

This will create a command for you. Per default this will be in the app/Cqrs/Commands directory.

php artisan cqrs:query <Class name goes here>

This will create a command for you. Per default this will be in the app/Cqrs/Queries directory.


To change the directory in which you want to create your command and queries, simply publish the assets of the CqrsServiceProvider and add your custom directory in config/cqrs.php