
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
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add the json annotation for an action

1.2.1 2017-05-16 08:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-02-07 03:47:39 UTC


The JsonAnnotationBundle permits to use an annotation Json for your controller


Use the annotation @Json() in your controller


Some parameters are optionnals:

			exception_code: 500 #the http code used for the exception
        	data_key: "data" # the key used to contains the data, it can be directly at the root, using the "" parameter
        	exception_message_key: "message" #the key for the exeception message
        	success_key: "success" #the key for the success (that is true is the result is ok, false for an exception)
        	post_query_back: false #do we send back the post parameters
        	post_query_key: "query" #the key for the post back parameters
            enable_authentication_error: false #A json response is sent back is the user is not authenticated or not granted

The reponse

The normal response

It is a json stream with the property 'success' with the true value and the property 'data' containing the array returned in the controller

The exception response

It is a json stream with the property 'success' with the false value and the property 'message' containing the error


Import the bundle using composer

"tbn/json-annotation-bundle": "dev-master"

Import the bundle in your AppKernel

new tbn\JsonAnnotationBundle\JsonAnnotationBundle()

The normal response Example

use tbn\JsonAnnotationBundle\Configuration\Json;

class DefaultController extends Controller

      * The main view
      * @Route("/someroute")
      * @Json()
      * @return array
     public function somerouteAction()
         return array('data1' => 'value1', 'data2' => 'value2');

It will send back a json stream

 'success' => true
 'data'    => ['data1' => 'value1', 'data2' => 'value2']

The exception response

use tbn\JsonAnnotationBundle\Configuration\Json;

 class DefaultController extends Controller
      * The main view
      * @Route("/someroute")
      * @Json()
      * @return array
     public function somerouteAction()
	     throw \Exception('some error occured');

It will send back a json stream

 'success' => false
 'message'    => 'some error occured'


A pre-hook event is dispatched at the beginning of the json response. It can be used to validate a token for example.

    class: "some_bundle\\Listener\\JsonTokenValidationListener"
        - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: json.pre_hook, method: onJsonPrehook }

The method has one argument of type JsonPreHookEvent.

public function onJsonPrehook(JsonPreHookEvent $jsonPreHookEvent)